"That window--" Ramona gestured to the shattered glass around her with her blade, before it slipped away into her sleeve again. "Is either the sloppiest excuse for an escape I've seen in some time, or bait. Entry was blunt but methodical, who takes time to webber guards and rig a timed grenade, then leaps out the window? Doesn't sit right." She gingerly reached down to pick up the unexploded bolt-round amidst the debris with her left hand, carefully handling it so as to not lose yet more parts. Standing, she moved to the fallen body of the Archmagos, where her servo-skull was still hard at work piecing together the recovered fragments of the bolt round that had ended her life. "I know one took the Archmagos from there to here." Ramona vaguely gestured at where the body had began, and where it had ended up, with a slight shrug. "Beyond that, nothing. Might be able to reach out to folks who would." She surveyed the scene again, taking what she had determined, distilling it, and trying to see if it gave her any other insight into what she might have missed the first time around. The marine's musing sparked something in her mind; if not out the window, then how did their killer and thief escape without notice? The Cult of Mars-- Or Draupnir, depending on your preference-- loved their secrets. Maybe there was another, more hidden exit.