[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c30bf917-2b3e-446f-8484-bd4e39b3436e.png[/img][/center] [hider=Character sheet] [color=9B111E][b]Name:[/b][/color] Ruby Bordell [color=9B111E][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Doesn't have one at the moment [color=9B111E][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Antihero or Villain, depends on who you ask [color=9B111E][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/color] - Phasing through inanimate objects - Moves eerily quiet - Seems to become one with the shadows while hiding - Precognition (knows when people are going to die) - Sonic screams (high amplitude) - Death song (pulls their life force into her) - Supernatural detection - Ages very slowly - Basic physcian skills [color=9B111E][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [/color] - Selectively mute (except for death song, which is in a language she doesn't even know) - Death song only works when she can tell they are about to die - Not a strong physical fighter - Can't phase through sentient beings - Doesn't like being touched [color=9B111E][b][b]Personality:[/b][/b][/color] Ruby appears as a very quiet and hidden person, though most of this probably due to the fact that she is mute. She might not take stage often, preferring to manipulate and organise the situation from the background and let others truly shine. She would rather wait, until death is certain and then step out to the light to show her true colours. Just because she is mute does not mean she doesn't have opinions though, tiring easily of those people who can't interpret her gestures and true intentions. She tends to like very few people because of this, and those that she does like, she tends to bond intensely with and act like their protector from the dark. It's exactly why you might find her playing with a small and very dead dried violet from time to time. [color=9B111E][b]Background:[/b][/color] Many wonder how a meta comes along, and there are lots of ways that one can be created or born. Though in Ruby's case, it was that her mother had tried so hard to hide her pregnancy from the madam at the brothel, that she ended up causing not only her death but also her child's. Well... almost. A small pale and death touched baby, Ruby was given up to the child protective services as soon as she was discovered. Which led up to her bouncing from foster house to foster house, no one wanting to keep the unnerving child along for long. She had basics of education, learning low levels of writing and reading but she never got much out of school. It was not like the teachers really knew what to do with her, and the other students would either avoid her like the plague or let her know they didn't like her. After coming back from school covered in enough bruises and cuts, and still not uttering a word at the young age of 10, she was shipped off again and that was the last of education she ever got. She didn't last in the foster homes much longer than that. At the age of 12, her foster father came home drunk and had the brilliant idea of sneaking up on an asleep Ruby. Fumbling hands and the stink of alcohol ended up with a shriek that shook the house to its foundations and the same man clutching his head as blood poured out of his ears. Ruby took off into the night, cold bare feet running across the asphalt, and she never looked back. They say history repeats itself, and in a way it did once again. Aimlessly shuffling through Ironclad, she had no idea where she was going but someone above must have been looking out for her because she ran in to a extravagently dressed and fragrant woman who seemed to somehow recognise her. This is when she met Janette, though she would go by Violet to most. The older woman, a beauty in her own right, ushered her back into the high class brothel. She filled the silence with tales of what Ruby's mother was like and insisted that since she was born here this had to be her home. The madam didn't see it as simply, but she was willing to let her stay if she helped doing the small menial tasks in the shadows. There after all was laundry to be washed and items to be delivered. Though unlike most younger women who could be called trainees, she wasn't brought in front of the customers as all her appearance did was tend to scare them, instead she learnt the skills of a physicians. Tending to the cares of the women in the household, havingpicked up on the rare hobby of collecting herbs and creating her own conditions. All things considered Ruby did well for herself. The only real thing that seemed to catch her up, was well the fact that she was ... 'unnatural'. She couldn't help the fact that she knew when someone was going to die, she couldn't help the scream that would come screeching from her mouth at the sight of them. Leaving her hiding from the people who were terrified of her, no words being uttered from her, as she lived in the shadows. This was her life until around her 20's, when things were becoming increasingly obvious to the young woman. Many of the injuries that she treated on her fellow sisters, were not naturally made but inflicted by customers with bad habits. Customers, that all the escorts agreed they would be better without but could not turn away. This all came to a culmination as one day as Violet out with one of her favourite regulars, did not find her way back one night. They had hoped she had just forgotten to message the madam back, maybe even hoped that she had run away with this man. Ruby would have hoped for anything but what she learnt from the other girls. Violet had been out on a date to a fancy restaurant when her regular had taken the large risk of asking the beautiful brunette for her hand in marriage. He did not take her turning him down well. She later turned up in the sludgy river, hardly recognisable from the head trauma and bloating if it wasn't for her garish bright clothing. The sight of the only person who had ever cared for her being abandoned like trash broke something within Ruby. Hunting down the monster that had killed her beloved friend was easy enough. So was making sure that he never did this horror to anyone ever again. But that wasn't enough, there were still others that the police never did anything about. That they had no 'solid evidence' on. Ruby took matters in to her own hands, trailing the often drunk and disordely men down the dark alleyways, pushing them gently in the right direction of their fate. Towards a run away horse, a slick staircase or in the most desperate situations, just in to the way of her knife. Finally as fate seemed to accept her terms, she would take a deep enthralling breath as their death was sealed. There she sang to them, in a language no one had ever been able to place, so lullingly soft and beautiful entrancing them as she pulled away their life force. She had started to defend her sisters, but the more she participated the more addicting it got. [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/67122972-f021-4d9f-8ef6-39f66f554d7b.png[/img] [color=9B111E][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] Pale white skin and long white strangly hair, she could be easily mistaken for a fresh corpse if it wasn't for the blood red eyes that bore into anyone that meets her. Her eyes are usually the first thing people notice about her, especially when she tends to hide in the shadows and the glow of the red is the only thing one can see. Otherwise, her physique is not remarkable. She is slightly smaller than average and has a thin build with no real muscle tone. Which is made all the more obvious by the oversized and dark clothes that she tends to wear. [color=9B111E][b] Affiliations:[/b] [/color] - The only real allies she has are the ladies that work at the Mystique Brothel who both helped raise her and she has ended up protecting in her own way [color=9B111E][b]Motivations:[/b] [/color] - Ruby first killed as revenge and to stop the same fate that befall Violet from happening to anyone else - Ever since her killing has been her own way of protecting the vulnerable [color=9B111E][b]Relationships:[/b][/color] - Violet, her once dear friend and mothe r figure who has now passed away [color=9B111E][b]Base of Operations:[/b] [/color] - She still lives in a small room that looks like it used to be a closet in the Mystique Brothel within Ironclad [color=9B111E][b]Signature Gear:[/b] [/color] - One dried flower, a violet - One knife, looks like a basic but sharp kitchen knife [color=9B111E][b]Public Perception:[/b] [/color] - Known by very few even in Ironclad, Ruby is mostly known as that ghostly figure that appears in the Mystique Brothel hallways or the dark alleyways of the red light district area. [color=9B111E][b]Combat Style:[/b] [/color] - Ruby's preference is to be unseen until it is too late for her target - She is stealthy and hides in the shadows. Being out in the open gives her a large disadvantage including the fact that she will have no idea how to react or what to do. [/hider] Please excuse any typos or the like, wrote this while on a road trip 😅