[b]Data Recovery![/b] SEQUENCE 03 10> GOTO SEQUENCE 01-60 20> THE TRASH CHUTE 30> THE MANIACS. BLASPHEMERS. BARBARIANS. PHILISTINES. MONSTERS. BRUTES. 40> THEY THREW THE COGITATORS INTO THE TRASH CHUTE [b]Tradecraft![/b] Oh~h? One must respect the [i]discipline[/i]. Those cogitators, the private possession of an Archmagos? You could buy an army with those. And yet, every one of them was ripped out and thrown down into the garbage. I almost do not know what to say. Whoever did this was either very, very smart or very, very stupid. Perhaps both. View everything through those lens. There are several possibilities. Perhaps this was an act of fanaticism. If the Archmagos was corrupted by the xenos, or the Ruinous Powers, then destroying their cogitators may have been a way to excise their taint. Or perhaps this was an act of profound self preservation - the assassin threw away the cogitators in order to ensure the Skitarii response would run to the perimeter, leaving the interior uninvestigated. If that was the case, that means that they could have left exactly the way they came - dropped the grenade as they left, not as they entered - and still be in the cathedral right now. [b]Architecture![/b] All of this tower is a single tooth. Tusk, rather. The ivory is not fake, it's grown - biotech, ascending up like a tree. Its roots run deep underground. Pray that they do not have a teeth's nerves. That is to say, there is no way to hide doors or rooms here. There are also no imperfections that would make good hand-holds, so climbing the exterior would be extremely perilous. Though - it is a small thing, but the Archmagos teleported exactly five meters to the west. I am under the vague impression that displacer field teleportation is random in direction and distance, but if she teleported five [i]more [/i]meters to the west then she would have gone outside the tower and fallen to her death. If the assassin had been a bit slower on the draw, and if the device had time to reset - perhaps that would have been a more reliable way to kill an armoured Archmagos than landing a one in a million shot to the head? [b]Notice![/b] The killing bolt shell was painted blue. Same type of paint as the door, different colour. That's weird. You don't normally paint your [i]bullets[/i].