[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c56aae92-c6a5-4ffb-be56-311242cd5b09.png[/img][/center] [right]Location: Gold Pavilion, 48th floor[/right] [hr] Doc frowned under his mask. He looked around at the various heroes gathered here, these young people in all of their various costumes and gleaming gear, and he simply couldn't understand why [i]he[/i] was called here alongside them. He definitively clashed, in his old, patched up white doctor's coat, a red cross hand-sewn on the back and a balaclava hiding his face. He'd chosen not to wear his kevlar vest: he doubted these heroes would try to stab or shoot him. Right now, he looked practically civilian. [color=lightgreen]"You'll have to pardon me,"[/color] he said, his eyes narrowing at Aurealis, [color=lightgreen]"but I don't see why I was called here alongside you heroes."[/color] He raised a hand to his neck, toying with the small silver crucifix dangling from it. [color=lightgreen]"I'm not exactly one of you. I don't fight crime. I'm not a [i]hero[/i]."[/color] And that fact had been the whole reason he'd made the trek from Ironclad to here, when he'd gotten that message. He had to make them understand that they couldn't, [i]shouldn't[/i] involve him. Because if they did... then his work could quickly become impossible. He knew not every hero agreed with him caring for civilians and criminals alike, but surely they'd respect his wishes anyway? [color=lightgreen]"I can't... I can't really get involved in this whole mess."[/color] He huffed. [color=lightgreen]"I'm a doctor and a first responder. A neutral party. Always have been. And I'm not looking to change that. I can't afford to."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"It's not like I can fight either. I can [i]maybe[/i] offer some first aid, but you people don't need to go to me to get care. You've got hospitals for that. [i]You[/i] can afford it."[/color] He started tapping his foot, getting a bit agitated. [color=lightgreen]"So why, pray tell, knowing all this, was I called here? Please, enlighten me."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"And [i]please[/i] don't bring me messages through my patients,"[/color] he pleads, thinking back to the panicked woman who had brought him Aurealis' words. She had been nearly passed out in sheer fright, and he had to give her something to help calm her nerves. [color=lightgreen]"The poor girl was just selling weed in an alleyway. I won't get involved in your hero-ing business, but descending upon her in all of your... incandescence was just too much. It's marijuana, not [i]murder[/i]."[/color]