[H1][u]Dias de Fortuna[/u][/h1]
The day of Fortuna, the Berry Bowl, the first day of Rezain, whatever you want to call it, was a festive day for the students of Ersand’Enise. People drank and played their games of chance and prayed for a good harvest in the coming weeks. The day was the same for Ingrid, she drank and played and ate all the berries she was allowed. A broken tooth, some blue fingers, and a feeling of impending doom, what a day it was. 

Surrounded by friends and berry wine was what she needed to nurse her woes from Bog. Seeing people having fun she came and played a prank on Rikard, he was like a little brother she wanted to tease a little because he was always so smart. A blue crown for the king of greed. It was all fun she thought, she didn’t think it was going to get so mean. [color=8882be][i]I mean, I saw that it could get that mean but when would it go that sour? Stupid eyes showed me a future where they would all be laughing.[/i][/color]

Rikard ran off in anger after casting dangerous magic, and Ingrid was compelled to follow. He was gifted in movement but maybe it was emotions that slowed him as Ingrid never lost sight of him. She thought she was secretly trailing him but she must have made it too obvious.

[color=a187be]"I know you're following me,"[/color] Rikard shouted back, but his voice was cracking. [color=a187be]"Kindly fuck off."[/color]
[color=8882be]"Sure, but can I follow you for now?"[/color] Ingrid kept up rather easily.

[color=a187be]"No,"[/color] he snapped back with halfhearted spite. [color=a187be]"You're just here to make... sport of me again."[/color]

[color=8882be]"I mean tag is a sport but I promise I'm not going to do something."[/color] Ingrid pleaded. 

[color=8882be]"I just want to make sure you're okay, that's all."[/color]

[color=a187be]"Well I'm not!"[/color] Rikard replied. [color=a187be]"You made sure of that: you and Marci and Raffie and fucking... Fiske! What was it? Just... Rikard hunting season!?"[/color]

[color=8882be]"And I'm sorry for what I did. I can't speak for the others but I thought we were good friends, one that could mess with each other."[/color] She called back using sonic magic to not just broadcast to the school.

[color=8882be]"It went too far, you're right. The intentions don't matter if someone is getting hurt."[/color]

[color=a187be]"Once is 'messing with each other. Literally [i]everyone[/i] except for Roslyn - who's never seen a wall she didn't wanna flower on - is really fucking different, you know. You've always been like that, though."[/color] Was the last bit an accusation or the start of an invitation to talk? He still hadn't turned. He was still stalking angrily away. By the way that his figure heaved and moved, it was clear that he was crying and would not show it.

Ingrid noticed, how could the master of crying and apology tours not notice? [color=8882be]"I don't notice, things go too far before I realize it. From a talk to an argument before a minute passes. At least I have been told. It's easy to not notice, harder to see."[/color] Ingrid didn't push past to see his face, she was raised well enough that seeing him cry would only make it worse. Whether it was an accusation or not, Ingrid didn't care. She was here and she would admit that because it was the truth.

Rikard stopped abruptly. He stopped and he turned and he was small and crying. [color=a187be]"I just wanna be someone, like [i]he[/i] was, and no matter how hard I try, nobody respects me. Nobody even really [i]likes[/i] me."[/color] He shook his head, still self-absorbed and (mostly) ignorant of Ingrid's own admission. [color=a187be]"Abdel is always with Maura and Fiske was always with Marcie and Seviin won't even talk to me unless she's trying to like... convert me."[/color] He snorted with weak mirth. [color=a187be]"I'm just always the stupid little kid who shoots lightning bolts out his ass."[/color] He took a few steps to the side and slumped into some sacks of potatoes leaning against a wall.

Ingrid listened, shifting to his side as she listened to the cries of the young man, and how pathetic they were. Almost as pathetic as lusting after every man and woman on this damn campus last year. So she could relate. [color=8882be]"I do think people like you. And for what it is worth, I like you. We were buddies since we both looked at that date together in the Rettanese Groove."[/color]

[color=8882be]"Hey! You are not a stupid kid!"[/color] she bumped him on the shoulder and soured her face towards him. [color=8882be]"Being respected is all good but you can't compare yourself to him. You could be better in so many ways.[/color]" Ingrid looked wishfully at the Forked Tower. [color=8882be]"Respect comes randomly and honestly has little to do with what you do at times. That man, Ren, He's strong and oh so respected but is an utter jack-off. Your science, your curiosity, your dedication, your bravery facing the Violet Enclave. All of that has earned respect. You just can't feel it yet because you're chasing still."[/color]

Rikard waffled between hope and scrunching up his face in dejection. They were nice words, but he felt pathetic just being here and having Ingrid have to talk to him like some sort of... counselor. Was she just telling him what she thought would make him feel better? For a moment, he clenched his fists tightly.

Then, he let them slack. If she was here, it was because she cared enough to be. Ingrid was an idiot sometimes - Who was he kidding? So was he. - but she was a good enough person. She was... kind of a friend. For a moment, as he looked at her, his eyes started to slide downwards, to her chest, to her waist. To... He stopped himself. He'd tripped honestly, but he'd contrived to fall draped over Marci. He didn't know why he'd done it. It was stupid and everyone had to have seen through it and it was wrong. Marci wasn't some [i]thing[/i] that was just there for him to have fun with.

A terrible guilt seized Rikard's stomach, and its twin was anxiety. This was Marceline, who he'd sat beside in like... three classes, who he shared his lunches with sometimes, who he'd worked with on that play in drama class where they'd played Sigismund and Dorothea. His heart beat faster. He remembered the sound of her voice when she delivered the line: [color=598527]"I can say I love thee not, so well as I might tell a lie."[/color] He remembered sitting, sun-dappled, under a tree in the Arboretum with her when they'd had that unexpected spare when Mr. Secto had come down with food poisoning. He'd used her. He'd hurt her, and she'd been angry. He balled his fists up again. [color=a187be]"I deserved it,"[/color] he concluded, [color=a187be]"some of it."[/color] He shook his head. [color=a187be]"I need to apologize to Marci. [i]Ipté[/i], I need to apologize!"[/color] They could be enemies forever. She could [i]hate[/i] him!

[color=8882be]"Then by all means,"[/color] Ingrid pushed off of the wall, [color=8882be]"go, she's probably with Desmond."[/color]

Rikard started to rise, but then he stopped. [color=a187be]"Uh..."[/color] He breathed a couple of times. [color=a187be]"You think she's still mad at me?"[/color] He swallowed. [color=a187be]"I like her,"[/color] he squeaked. [color=a187be]"I like her and..."[/color] He trailed off and looked down at the ground. [color=0072bc][i]But she's dating Fiske. Kinda.[/i][/color]

Her eyes sharpened on him, [color=8882be]"Maybe but that shouldn't stop you. Life is hard and if you feel genuine remorse for doing that to her, then you should apologize. Just make sure you try not to do it again or you will be giving apologies tours."[/color] she winked, making fun of herself.

[color=8882be]"As for liking her when she is might be dating another, I've chased 2 people like that and it didn't work out well, just go into it knowing it might not work,"[/color] Ingrid gave a last bit of advice. It really never worked well, both times they ended up possessed, and one time she ended up dead.

Rikard swallowed. He composed himself and nodded. [color=a187be]"I'm... sorry if I made an idiot of myself,"[/color] he admitted, [color=a187be]"or... if I made you feel bad."[/color] His fingers curled and uncurled nervously. [color=a187be]"I uh... should go talk to her."[/color] He nodded slowly to himself and started moving. Then, he stopped, swaying forward and back momentarily on the balls of his feet. [color=a187be]"Thanks, Ingrid, by the way."[/color] Perhaps embarrassed, he scampered quickly away.

[color=8882be]"Eh, everyone makes a fool of themselves here, some more than others."[/color] Ingrid shrugged. [color=8882be]"Look,"[/color] she presented herself with a twirl, [color=8882be]"I'm just fine, come talk to me after if you want or need me, my door is open for you."[/color] Ingrid started to head off to her dorm as the alcohol had started to make 3 forked towers. [color=8882be]"Too many berries."[/color]