[center][h2][color=cyan] Gerard Biserus [/color] [/h2] [/center][hr] The spooks and their goons may have had the drop on them, but the WARDENs' reaction time was hard to beat- it helped that they had Justice's razor edged reactions, not to mention that most of them already felt something off coming in. The flashbang exploded with a deafening crack, or what would've been a deafening crack had a man not been flung over it. The body, held down by the weight of Morden's foot absorbed the light and blast, and the large WARDEN could feel the sickening crack of the man's ribs caving in from the concussive force of the explosive. But now was hardly the time to mention that. Pistols and SMGs cracked and barked as the WARDENs defended and armed themselves, Gerard bending down to relieve a body of its holstered sidearm. A support and battle mage, Gerard felt naked without his magic, but as WARDENs, they were far from defenseless. Even as they cleared the room and began to prep a hasty exit, Gerard could feel the Astral Mist slowly starting to filter back into their immediate surroundings. Not enough for big flashy spells, but enough for Gerard to catch another flashbang in the air as it was thrown through the door Morden had kicked down and back from whence it came. [i]Crack[/i] The flashbang exploded in the landing outside the office, and Gerard quickly swatted Morden's back to signal the big man forward. Gerard leaped out from behind him, commandeered pistol emptying half of its magazine into the landing as they came upon a pair of dazed Rassvet troopers. Dead, down, didn't matter, as long as they were out of the fight. A flurry of gunfire was fired blindly up the stairs from down below in an attempt to keep the WARDENs trapped upstairs, Gerard barely registered the sound of breaking glass from the room next to them. The upstairs of this townhouse didn't give them much to work with, the landing with the stairs held only a few rooms, the office that they were just in and the connecting room that Dirk had pulled Collette into, on the other side was a bathroom and a bedroom. [color=cyan]"These two aren't spooks."[/color] Gerard commented as he relieved the two downed soldiers of their weapons and ammo, tossing short carbine rifles and spare magazines towards the squad. [color=cyan]"Unit insignia looks like regular infantry."[/color] The gunfire from downstairs paused, and they could hear the sounds of firearms racking as some amount of the squad below them reloaded weapons. Sounded like they were getting ready to come up soon. [color=cyan]"What's the call? We mowing down our own guys?"[/color] Gerard asked, not that they weren't already doing that. [color=cyan]"Other room connects to the balcony I think, Spook might've taken the princess and bailed off."[/color] He added, as he ejected the half spent magazine and put it back into his pocket, reindexing it as he inserted a fresh one. His nose wrinkled a bit as he tested the air. [color=cyan]Local Mist back to half capacity, comms are back, pockets too- enough for maybe one, two big spells if we don't have to share.[/color]