[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/626e6295-e0f1-4bb3-a2fc-2a80907e597a.png [/img][/center] [color=5486ae]Time:[/color] Sola 28th Late Morning [color=5486ae]Location:[/color] Edin Theatre [color=5486ae]Interactions:[/color] [color=5486ae]Mentions: [/color]Anastasia [@princess], Kazumin [@samreaper], Lorenzo [@FunnyGuy][hr] Laced inbetween the degenerate behavior from the Caesonian public and its head of state were not so bad performances. Kazumin's puppet show was clever. A typical tale of a woman's friendship with an inanimate object with a dark and sad twist. John wondered if it was something of a personal story to this otherwise goofy jokester he remembered. It was not a sad twist for the sake of a twist. It was handled well and beautifully, he found it hard to believe the dance of emotions were just pure inventiveness. But whatever the case was, he gave the man a clap. He deserved it. Hopefully the guy wouldn't get himself killed in the king's court. He didn't know what to think about Lorenzo's performance. The Duke did put his heart into it, but it came off as a bit cheesy for John's taste. He tried to overlook it and find empathy, and the result was somewhat middling. Perhaps he was biased against Lorenzo due to his theatrics before the performance, or his nonsense John had to deal with the other day. John remained quiet like most of the crowd, simply choosing to blend into the background. John suddenly felt an itch. A sixth sense, if he were to describe it. He glanced back and forth around the theatre to nothing unusual. Everyone was just enjoying the show in their own way. But he couldn't shake off that feeling that something bad might happen. He comforted himself with the fact that it wasn't the first time he felt this, and most of the times nothing happened. He hoped the only drama here would just be Anastasia's gripping cello performance. Speaking of, John could felt her performance to the very bone. This wasn't just music. This was a story, told without a single spoken word, and it was a sad one. He could also feel his own story, his own feeling of loss and grief emerging from within, entangling with her own in a empathetic dance. They said last but not least, but this was certainly the most he felt in this event so far. It made all the trouble, the annoyances he had earlier in the day all worth it. By the performance's end, John was among the applauders. Solemn just like everybody else, but one of the loudest.