Sorry for inactivity Ashley let out a smiled as she opened the phone's screen and decided to mentally file away the 'Jersey Devil' for later investigations. She's on the right track of pulling this technically never happened information heist. Now the only left to do if nothing, at least for the Ashley in real world. The Ashley's that could be, their game is on. There are technically infinite actions for her to take but she decided to focus on a main three. The first one will make through search of the phonbe and try to access it's files, there must be something in here. The second one will poke with 'Agent Bullshit' and try to get a gauge of his or her character, maybe she lull him in a false sense of superiority and make him divulge more than necessary. The third one is the most dangerous though, a call to this T. Severa by herself. A superior to the agent she managed to intimidate. To be honest if not at the power of her Eidolon she won't attempt pull this stunt but with bootstrap paradox. Well it's time to see if this man is worthy of any form of respect. [hider=My Hider] If we're on Uptime, this would be a Dredge the Undertow Action. [/hider]