[h1] [color=yellow]Akira Yuzuki[/color] [/h1] [hr] Akira looked at the line-up Leopardon Agency before him, between the two 'redeemed' ladies together with his senior. The tales of Spiderman's misadventures during his time in Eirei was a common topic, even a year after he was graduated. Thanks to that and his tendency to keep an eye of things allows him to be substantially knowledgeable about the countless allegations filed against him by a certain American reporter. Fortunately none are falsehoods, there are exaggerations, misrepresentations or just flat out pointless but one is something... [color=yellow]"Yeah, he's not beating THAT allegation." [/color] he spoke referring to the one time that fanatic of a hater warned the girls that Spiderman is planning to make a harem. There is a chance that he is wrong but he will call it a safe bet. Although could someone please dump Banashi, his ears bled hearing him open his mouth. [hr] Akira watched with concern as he saw Mei slowly get more desperate as time goes on. It started relatively well until Mei slowly began making mistakes that he never thought he'll make. Between the two of them, he knew that Mei has the sharper wit. [color=yellow]"Mei..."[/color] He closed his eyes a she tried to utilize her own variant of Prominence Burn. Something is wrong with Mei and it's not the injuries she acquired that night. It's an exercise in futility but wonders if there something he could do better when she invited him to a dinner. [hr] Akira is proud to say that he could keep up with what is happening. Probably not at the same detail at Matsuru and his Judgement Gaze but he could easily see who getting the initiative on this fast pace duel between a thief and a knight. Now that he thought about it, this type of test is his greatest weakness. His quirk has low range, a super move of his lowers his speed and against a teleporter his barrier is just a suggestion. He hopes that this will not be his test. Akira let out a subconscious glare to Kyoya both for his protectiveness to Mei and to remind him of their plan [hr] Akira never met Banashi but he already he could already feel loathing inside him. A hero is someone who fought against the odds, someone who should reassure people of their safety. Someone who at the very least should try saving people. How did he stay at Eiryuu with his attitude, he may never know.