[@ERode][@AThousandCurses] [b][h3]BLUE CARRIAGE, OUTSIDE WINGRAM[/h3][/b] There was something of a tension in the air as people boarded the boys' carriage. Michael deigned to sit off in one of the corners and immediately pulled his hood further down so as to catch some sleep, Fianchetto glared at the grimy janitor while propping open a book, and Dr. Kann looked around paranoid as if a ghost would pop out at him. Rio sat as far opposite Chunji as he possibly could, having not appreciated last night and was at least a pinch exhausted himself. Davil, for his part, slapped his knees after watching the service mannekin who wheeled him in simply walk out after locking his wheelchair, its job complete. "I guess there's no sympathy for the wounded among these guys. Talk about dire room service, am I right? Ahaha..." The Wund boy's voice was stiffer and fainter, as if speaking just to prove to himself he was still here, or to break the relative silence any way he could. He'd turn towards Otis, a thin upward line instead of his usual wholehearted grin or anxious chittering. "Chunji tells me that you also had a hand in saving me, chum, so thanks for that. I suspect everyone did more than I could've asked for, so once I'm able to start moving around more again, let's continue where we left off, yeah?" He nodded to himself as if answering himself, despite Otis not having done so yet. Rio would turn towards Davil, and then start to look around the carriage before speaking his own mind. "It wouldn't have gotten that far in the first place if Ciara were killed. Seriously, am I the only one thinking this? All this hero brainrot shittalk, idealistic bullshit, 'n we've got nothing to show for it but a comatose girl, a cripple, and from what I heard, human pasta sauce in that tower's halls. And now she's gettin' a personal escort to the city like a fuckin' fairytale princess. [i]Oh, I wonder, will she finally meet her prince at the ball?[/i] Pffft." Fianchetto would also perk up at this, shutting his book a moment to regard Rio with a look of what almost seemed to be pity, or understanding. "If what you seek is justice, Neroite justice is very fair. Were this incident to have transpired in the capital, speaking as somebody who lives there, there is no guarantee that she would even have been arrested for such things for very long, depending on context. Either that, or she would spend her life as the isolated subject of research and dissection, if some interested parties received her first." Rio turned away, as if not willing to acknowledge the elder's words. Michael would begin snoring in the corner, unbothered. When the security mannekin boarded, the doors would close behind them, and the carriage would begin to move down the road. [hr] [@Estylwen][@Psyker Landshark] [b][h3]RED CARRIAGE, OUTSIDE WINGRAM[/h3][/b] Iraleth would have found her glare towards Michael returned with a perplexed brow, as if wondering if he'd said anything particularly odd. He'd slightly adjust the hood of his cloak - still ensuring that it never left his head - and picked at the strands of shredded fabric that dangled around its rim, before turning away to board the boys' carriage. Just before entering, however, he would stare at Iraleth again for but a brief second, as if still trying to work out what he said that was so bad, before disappearing out of sight. Hearing Iraleth's particular request for her take before more joined the girls' carriage, Chloe would oblige while looking away towards the open doors of the carriage, gripping at her collar with one hand. "I have plenty of energy, you'll just need to excuse me if I'm, perhaps, saving it for when it matters," Chloe would reply bluntly, scoffing somewhat. "Because my 'take' is that I do [i]not[/i] think this is the end. They never found that Umbralist's body, did they? The imp is in captivity, but why? What does it still offer? Can we even trust the present company to protect us while we're as vulnerable as uneducated flea farmers? Should something even worse be in store for us, I'll have to be ready to give it my all. The conditions are about right, I think, for-" The half-elf caught herself just as she was about to say more than she was comfortable, waving off her own words. Just as well, perhaps, because the rest of their company on this journey arrived seconds later. Chloe shuffled away as she saw Ciara, not at all reassured by Alto's presence as a protector - he was as vulnerable as any of the rest of them, in his current state. Alto would ensure that wherever Ciara sat, he wouldn't be very far away, a hand unsubtly resting on the pommel of his longsword as he leaned back on the bench. Certainly not the most comfortable seating arrangements, but at least better than the floor. This treatment would not change even as he agreed to Ciara's request. "Vaal Nero's legal system is typically handled through the lawmen of the city - the city guard, appointed knights and paladins, or at the highest level of offence, a corsair. Crooks go through all the legal proceedings one might expect, may plead their case, and are rendered judgment at the conclusion of a very short trial. These trials are very short because, if a judgment were to take too long to be given, a corsair will step in and make that judgment themselves." With an almost nostalgic sigh and a tapping on the pommel of his sword, Alto looks towards the ceiling of the carriage. "See, corsairs are above the law, for the most part. Blessed by the waters, they're said to be, and are given the kinds of privileges that an average enforcer of justice wishes they could have. Most of the time, they're a guard or knight suddenly given this blessing and granted corsair status upon providing proof of their claim. Could just as easily be some random bum off the street, though. Been a thing, apparently, ever since Nero himself died. A blessing left behind for the chosen, or something, they say." The professor would turn to look at Ciara for the first time since boarding, pointing at her. "But you. You committed what the city would consider 'religious defilement' as a result of Umbralist accusations. Matters of the soul and of the divine are judged by the Star Court - Astrite priests and divine mages that form the governing body of Vaal Nero. They'll not take this matter lightly, but it's the one legal domain corsairs have no power in, so you at least won't be worrying about a loose cannon. Count yourself lucky for that one, at least. They will review the footage and testimonies sent to them, meet with lawmen for their opinions, and consult Astra for her personal guidance on the matter. The magic angle throws in an air of unpredictability, I'd say." As the instructor concluded his explanation - at least for that very moment, assuming Ciara had no more questions - half of the security mannekin would board and take seats with spears in hand. The doors would shut behind them, and with no particular signal, the carriage would begin to move down the road.