My only problem is the absolute invulnerability and the absolute ability to dodge attacks.In text based combat there are no absolutes because it breaks the system. Your example of falling acid rain and by virtue of the ability, you can move between each and every individual drop of rain, can be viewed as a god-mode defense. It stretches the realms of credulity to say a human body form can avoid every single drop of rain that falls. And bullets are not the same, rain can be considered an area of effect attack over a very wide area. I like the character concept but in text combat those are deal breakers, to have absolutes, with no way to negate them, I just cannot approve her at this time. There is no other character in the role-play that is absolutely immune to damage by virtue of a power, can dodge an attack the way you can. I am sorry they have to be reworked to removed from the character.