[h1][center][color=red]The Todoroki Siblings[/color][/center][/h1] The ever-observant Naito actually did notice Misha's predatorial glaze. He felt a feeling he hadn't felt since he was back in the bowels of Kessel. The feeling of the hunter being hunted. He chuckled to himself when she clapped her cheeks to help herself refocus. Maybe this was going to be a fun year after all. He refocused when Yui turned to them and suggested that they win. As if they had any plans on losing, but it did do the job of motivating him. He was interested in seeing just exactly why they paired the five of them against one student. Hinata smiled at Yui in return. [color=gold]"I didn't come here to lose in these clothes."[/color] She said before turning to the others. [color=gold]"So what's everyone's quirk? You already know mine and Naito's."[/color] As they were discussing their quirks the class was introduced to Spiderman's Amazing Girlfriends and Class 1-A. Both groups were... a colorful bunch. Hinata wasn't impressed by the girlfriend who thought she was an actual cat, but she had to admit that the silver badass was pretty cool. She was disappointed in her cousin, Mei. She was killing herself to be a hero. Her tactics wouldn't work against a real villain who wouldn't care about her life or the life of others. Hell, some don't even care about their own lives as long as they get to break a hero. She'd have to talk to Fuyumi about this. She didn't want to crush her cousin's dreams, but she didn't want to see her take out innocent civilians along with herself. The speedster of class 1-A made up for the previous loss, but wasted energy to do it and ended up losing to the Silver Femme Fatale. Though she couldn't fault Erza for that. Teleporters were seriously annoying to fight, but their confidence tended to make them less creative with their patterns. But most of their opponents weren't level-headed enough to figure that out. Hinata sure as hell wasn't, but Naito was. The last match was disappointing. It wasn't even a match. Naito was contemplating ways he would've beaten the hostage test had he been paired up against Spiderman when Kagari approached him with a request. He actually considered going through with it, but his psychologist brain took over. [color=gray]"I'm not sure that's allowed, but either way I don't think I should. Maybe some pervert did want us to wear these tight ass fits, but the principle remains. You need to be ready for anything, even when you don't have your gear."[/color] Naito unhooked his utility belt and pulled it up in between them. [color=gray]"Whether or not you have your support items, you have your quirk. This belt, my mind, and my indomitable spirit are my quirks. I go nowhere without them, not even the shower. Use this training to see what you can do on a whim. Here."[/color] He opened a pouch on his utility belt to take out two custom shuriken. One was explosive, the other was regular. [color=gray]"Since we're on the same team this should still be allowed. See what you can do with these."[/color] After handing them to her Naito put his utility belt back on and watched the other groups as they got ready to start their tests. [hr] [@Remram][@ERode][@Aku the Samurai][@Paingodsson][@Megatron]