[b]Sylruna Velaryn[/b] Sylruna settled into her seat at the table, her eyes taking in the unusual gathering before her. The contrast between the Reachfolk's attempts at "civilized" dress and their traditional decorations caught her attention - as a Dunmer who understood cultural adaptation, she appreciated the subtle defiance in those sewn-in feathers and beads. She positioned herself where she could observe both the delegates and the rest of the inn's patrons, her midnight blue robes arranged carefully to show the scholarly runes while concealing any signs of recent combat. The growing tension in the room was palpable, like the air before a storm. While Captain Owen's wind spell provided cover for their conversation, Sylruna took the opportunity to study the reactions of the local patrons. Her years of diplomatic training had taught her to read the subtle signs of brewing trouble - the way the Nords' eyes kept drifting to their table, the tension in their shoulders, the way they gripped their tankards just a bit too tightly. The talk of increased Saber Cat activity, particularly this 'Old One Eye,' caught her attention. She leaned slightly closer to the conversation, wondering if these "accidents" with dangerous predators might be more than coincidence. In her experience, such timing was rarely arbitrary. She reached for her own tankard, using the motion to mask a whispered warming spell that brought the drink to a more pleasant temperature - a small comfort she'd learned during her time in Bruma's chill. As she sipped, she kept her attention split between the delegates and the increasingly restless locals, ready to provide whatever support might be needed for their nocturnal departure. The presence of the aged Reachwoman who seemed to know Sindri intrigued her. Perhaps, she thought, there might be an opportunity to learn more about the complex politics they were navigating - assuming they survived the growing hostility in the room.