[Center][h3]Arvela Favryn[/h3][/center] The entourage could not have arrived at a better time. Arvela had become increasingly certain that a fight of some kind was about to break out just moments prior, but the sudden appearance of the elite soldiers defused the tension almost instantly. She was however shocked to see none other than the Emperor himself amongst the newcomers, his sudden appearance prompting a plethora of questions of their own. What was really going on? Who were the masked assailants, and why were they attacking? Then there was the matter of the incredible coincidence of her, of all people, being put in this very cell, of all places. Everything about it had a touch of destiny, and what was that He'd said? She could feel the hairs on her neck standing out just thinking about it. [i]The one from my dreams...[/i] She didn't know if he'd referred to her, but neither did she care. Azura was shining a light for her to follow, and Arvela would be damned if she didn't explore the path offered. Her gut told her there was danger involved, though. More so than before. Now, more than ever, she'd really like to have her weapon at hand. Arvelas gaze landed on the Blade who had offered them their freedom. He seemed a practical sort - a man of action, as it were. Perhaps he'd understand? Deciding it was worth the risk, she approached him slowly, making sure not to act or appear threatening in any way. "Serjo, if I may" she said, trying to get his attention, "I want to help. I believe I can help in many ways, but alas my possessions have been taken from me. Would it be possible for me to collect them from the prison inventory? They would be of great aid, I have no doubt. I will be swift." She held his gaze, her expression urgent but honest.