[b]fandom tagged because things and places from wild horse islands are described, used, and referenced but you don't need to play the actual game[/b] As a herd of wild horses is contentedly herded into a trailer, you read the logo: "Wild Horse Academy," and decide to apply with your.. somewhat decent horse-riding skills. You arrive on the docks of the island, and the vast island awaits you as you sit on the dock, told to wait for the horse-drawn carriage to pick you up. But, there are mysteries galore here.. A mysterious ruby in a cave inhabited by wild horses, a strange stallion whom is tacked but never ridden (he even fetches the mail!).. Weather your character is semi-experienced in horse riding and has their own horse, or if they are new and pick out a horse from the island stables, any and all are welcome! Catching the island horses is fine, but it is up to the horse if it wants to be caught(figuratively speaking lol). [hider=The islands of Wild Horse Islands, a mass area of islands gathered around each other] Mainland - pretty standard place with various small, basic shops and basic horses like quarter and paint Forest Island - heavily forested island with various cabins in it's woods and some average horses Desert Island - increased chance for marwai and some other breed, a desert-like area with mesa hills and materials like gold Royal Island - a place with old castle ruins and a hill with a pile of ruins, as well as a local quarry. the rare pearl andulsian can be found here. Mountain Island - a mountainous island where minerals like sapphire and diamond can be found, with a neat coastline. [b]these are mainly used for reference for the origin place of students[/b] [/hider] [hider=Academy Campus] The Barn - a basic, large, dark blue-colored barn in the island's center, used currently as the living quarters of horses and their riders until construction for proper housing can undergo. The Well - a small well near the entrance gates sitting under a row of string lights The Dock - the basic docks where boats come and go. there is a row of benches along it for students waiting to be brought inside the gates, and a small shop area to the side where tack and other riding supplies are sold to the students. Indoor Main Area - a large, indoor riding area used as the main indoors, often called the common area. the cafeteria is located here, as well as a few activity items such as jumps or poles for pole bending to be placed outside and used. Outdoor Area - a small area outdoors, a campfire surrounded by many benches and various trees encircling it. The Farm - a farm area where crops are grown to feed the horses and make meals. seed donations are appreciated. The Cave - a cave on the back half of the island blocked off by standard vertical jumps with a large ruby crystal sticking out of the floor inside. Only wild horses are allowed in, and students may not enter or touch the ruby. [/hider] [hider=Forms] [b]wild horse form:[/b] Name (not called this by humans, just for the other horses to call you): Gender: basic age (foal, adolescent, young adult, adult, elder): appearance: breed(optional): short personality desc: mention: [@leopard wcue] [b]Student Form[/b] Name: Gender: Age(ages 10-18): Appearance: Short Personality Desc: Horse(leave this blank and the academy assigns you a random horse to bond with that you will likely rp control yourself, ill just come up with them lol): Place of origin(one of the islands or a different place, doesn't matter): [/hider] it's kinda always free-time, the academy is more of a hangout if anything. vibe with your horse and the wild horses, that's all there is to it. students race each other, catch and befriend wild horses, etc. now come join this absolute chaos lol [i][u]you can also join the active versions in Wild Horse Islands on Roblox on the game's roleplay server at my private island if I'm on! my user is cutekittengirl1222 :D[/u][/i]