[h3][center][color=c0c0c0]Verinric Stieence[/color][/center][/h3][hr] Verinric quickly straightens up from his previous slouch against the wall, stretching as much as he is able in the packed cell, it sounds like the night may have found a way to get even worse. Idle as his mind is he can't help but muse on what he hears, so these riots aren't entirely the fault of that thrice cursed Arena, though the red robes and masks don't ring any bells. He stayed quiet as the Blades talked, even managing not to gasp when the Emperor himself strolled up to the cell and proclaimed the situation to fit a prophetic dream, though sadly didn't feel the need to tell anyone what exactly he foresaw. When the offer was made, well that was an easy choice, when would he get a second chance to see [b]Prophecy[/b] in person, perhaps he might even be able to offer some help. Verinric moves towards the rear of the cell, remembers to bow to the Emperor, and faces the Blade who pardoned them before speaking for the first time since entering this accursed place, [color=c0c0c0]"A most gracious thank you for that pardon, I too shall be taking the tunnel, perhaps I may even be of use."[/color] With that said, he casts a spell of Light upon himself and follows after Kiffar.