[H1][u][color=2E5894]A[/color]n [color=3A9D8B]E[/color]arly [color=51D092]M[/color]orning[/u][/h1] Cloth rustled and slid over Guy’s body as he dressed himself before the sun set upon his dorm. He was quiet, softening his steps as he walked through the house, especially near Tekah’s room; she wakes at the slightest noise. He slipped through with no issue making his way to the kitchen. A sonic bubble set over the room like a veil as he rummaged through his recipe box. Each recipe was given to him as he gained the trust of various people. He only placed them in the kitchen to flesh out his cover. They served 2 purposes now with Tekah’s inquisitive palette. He grabbed a recipe he got from a shy woman from the Drudgunzean Union. She had some pull in a free city in Kerremand so it was his imperative to get closer. Somehow this recipe landed in his lap. He slipped it next to the candle to read the recipe, “Butter, flour, salt, white sugar, water.” He turned to the back and read what felt like copious instructions and precisions that Guy didn’t really understand but all he was good at was following orders. Or so he thought as the kitchen turned into a place of nightmares, enough to give the soldier anxiety. But the dough was done and it looked questionably alright. Guy questioned if it was even workable but he still needed to continue, he only had an hour left. An hour later, [color=3A9D8B]“Tekah!”[/color] he projected at her door, [color=3A9D8B]“Be out here in 10 minutes.”[/color] Guy set the table for the 2 of them. Spiced gruel, quartered figs, soft cheese, and a honey pot in the center next to the pitcher. It was rather luxurious. Tekah opened her door half a minute before Guy called her again. She was not yet dressed for the day but she had the decency not to come out completely disheveled. She helped herself first to the pitcher of water, pouring a glass to almost overflow. Just a single drop more and the tension holding it in place would give. Satisfied with her perilous glass, she sat down in front of the breakfast that she had grown used to. [color=lightblue]“More gruel! My fevoreet,”[/color] she snickered as she started to pour honey on it. Guy reached out and stopped the tilt of the jar before it became honey and gruel, [color=3EB488]“That had been enriched with cream and spices.”[/color] Guy slipped the jar out of her hand and put a significant dolop of honey on his as well. Tekah tasted it, obviously trying to guess what her dad had put in this time. [color=lightblue]“Ceenaummoon, clove, salt…”[/color] she looked at her dad for hints. Guy gave no such hints as he started eating. [color=lightblue]“Pepper?”[/color] [color=3EB488]“Nope.”[/color] [color=lightblue]“Cardeemoon.”[/color] [color=3EB488]“Guess again.”[/color] He read a small book that he kept in his breast pocket. She took another spoonful, rubbing her temples to call forth greater insight. [color=lightblue]“Nautmeg?”[/color] He let her sit there. [color=lightblue]“Nautmeg!”[/color] [color=3EB488]“There you go,”[/color] Guy put down his book and handed her a fig as he got up. [color=lightblue]“YES!”[/color] she reveled in her success. The gruel tasted even richer now. [color=3EB488]“Your palette has improved day by day,”[/color] Guy made a furtive swipe of something from the cabinet, hiding it behind his back. [color=lightblue]“Only because yoo keep seing eet’s—”[/color] large air quotes, [color=lightblue]“—praupper.”[/color] she rolled her eyes. [color=3A9D8B]“So I shouldn’t spend money on unique things for you to taste,”[/color] Guy walked next to her and looked down at her with a mischievous grin. She thought of her words carefully, her treats were on the line! [color=lightblue]“Eye maust se, trening my palette to bee maure deescerning hes geeveen me maure too taulk about weeth my friends,”[/color] she said as clearly as she could. [color=lightblue]“So thenk yoo,”[/color] she hoped, no prayed, she had dissuaded her father’s decision. He could let her squirm but he didn’t have the taste for that today, [color=3A9D8B]”Fine fine, you have done well enough. Have a new treat.”[/color] He pulled out a small basket of apple turnovers. Her eyes went wide as she grabbed one without hesitation, biting through the flaky layers and stewed apples at the center. The spices were the same as the gruel and she could actually tell. But a part of her seemed hesitant or inquisitive now that she really smelled the air. [color=lightblue]“Why deed yoo meke eet?”[/color] Tekah asked. [color=3A9D8B]”Oh? What make you say I made them and that I just didn’t go out to get them?”[/color] [color=lightblue]“The smell of aupple en the room es fent baut still here,”[/color] Tekah confidently answered. She crossed her arms and went into thought, [color=lightblue]“Baut why meke them? Why toode? Thet’s whaut Eye don’t know.”[/color] Guy carried a smile the entire time to not give anything away. [color=326F91][i]Look at her, going past simple deductions and questioning the motives and causes on her own. Her training is going excellent by any metric. Magic, language, wits, skill. All of it.[/i][/color][color=51D092][I] I couldn’t be prouder of her.[/i][/color] [color=51D092]”No particular reason, I just wanted to make them for you.”[/color] She rolled her eyes, [color=lightblue]“Keep your secrets!”[/color] She pouted but took another bite and quietly said [color=lightblue]“Thenk yoo”[/color] [color=3A9D8B]”Your welcome, get ready to school when your done eating. We have a busy day at the farm and garden today.”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Okey!”[/color] Tekah proceeded to eat all but one apple turnover.