[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/MxjSN4m.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/3V3JiAp.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Kba1iWT.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][h3]Ehlm City, Outside the Central Spectral Woods[/h3][/color] [sub][@Herald], [@SporkoBug], [@Qia][/sub] [hr] Savio's eyes lit up in pure irritation, a growl emanating from him as he turned to Stalker. [b]”You little bastard, you really think I don't understand you? Little back-stabbing son of a-”[/b] He growled again, gaze tearing itself to focus on Val, now in the throes of his transformation. Savio bared his teeth behind his mask. [b]”All I see is a Heart in front of me! Boys, kill them all, including the little mimic-whelps!”[/b] While Savio's men opened fire with their AE rifles on Mercyval and Wren, Savio stepped back a bit, getting some space between him and and Mercyval. He turned his attention on the mimicraptors nearby, and raised his hand. Immediately, fire erupted in a spinning vortex around them, slowly encroaching, aiming to box them in and burn them slow. Roose gave out a squeak, ducking behind Stalker a little as the fire came closer. Her eyes connected with Savio through the flames, and her eyes flared a dark energy. Savio's eyes matched hers, blinded by dark energy, as he gripped his head. [b]”Ahhh… You whelp, what did you-”[/b] Before he began to hyperventilate, throwing fire this way and that against imaginary foes, some fire touching his own men as Savio became more agitated and confused. Meanwhile, the driver of the convoy knew he had been told to take off if there was a fight. But when VV leapt out before he could push the gas, he had to stay idle, eyes on the rear view mirror. [b]”You stupid girl-”[/b] he muttered frantically. The driver wasn't even on VV radar; she had given a meaningful glance to A, [b]”We're [i]definitely[/i] not”[/b] Before she stepped out. RPGs shifted on her position, but before they could let loose, Ghost Corps soldiers stepped out, sniping all four thugs who carried the RPGs. VV was free to charge forward, and so she did. She swiped a hand at Vin, and a wave of darkness took him, suspending him in the air in a hand of darkness. Vin's men, in response, attempted to open fire on VV, but Ghost Corps were quick to retaliate. Soon enough, it was a fire fight on both sides of the convoy, men on both sides falling.