[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nOOs271.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/uUxG52R.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Outskirts of Odenfield[/color][/h3] [sub][@Andre Valias][/sub] [hr] Ryllae wore a serene, delicate smile as she watched Anton and his companions approach. She raised a single hand in a wave, carefully holding the basket in the crook of her other arm. As Anton approached, she and Gervese gave polite bows. [b]”So good of you to make it, my Lord.”[/b] Ryllae said politely, looking up at him on his steed. [b]”And what a fine horse you have.”[/b] They waited like that, time passing easily with simple, pleasant chatter until an entire hour had transpired since Ryllae had first arrived. She looked up at the sky, noting how far the sun had traveled, and said to Anton, [b]”My Lord, why don't we have lunch while we wait?”[/b] Yes, it was a bit impolite to eat before their guest would show up. But at this rate, their guest was very late. This would have been very strange, as she had entered the letter continued on its way after she had intercepted it. It would have reached its intended address eventually. Regardless, Ryllae guided the group to a space beside the road that was level and covered in grass, allowing a comfortable spot to take lunch. She set the basket to one side, taking the thin cloth on top of it and unfolding it, spreading the tablecloth across the grass. She gestured for Anton and his companions to sit first, before she and Gervese followed suit. The basket of goodies were unloaded, and Ryllae handed out sections of dried meat and cheese from a cloth. There was also a plate of grapes and two canteens, one filled with Gold-touch wine, the other filled with water. All in all, it was a hearty, light meal. Another hour passed. Peacefully, yes, but it passed all the same, increasing the chances that their guest had fallen into some trouble, or stood them up. So, Ryllae glanced at Anton, asking the question she was sure was on all their minds. [b]”What will you do if they don't show?”[/b] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NekyBB4.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Nordor, Golden Grape Fields on the Outskirts of the City[/color][/h3] [@HereComesTheSnow] [hr] [quote=Amerigo][color=50849f]"We were in quite a hurry after all the time at sea, that much is to be sure. How does this day find you, my friend?"[/color][/quote] The man smiled genuinely, breathing in the warm air. [b]”It's a wonderful day, I dare say. Every day is wonderful when you're given one more day above the soil, I think.”[/b] [quote=Amerigo][color=50849f]"Charmed, sir, either way. [i]Ma chiamo[/i] Amerigo. We're on our way to meet a friend of a friend— a mutual acquaintance of ours told us she's been having trouble with a rough crowd recently— hoped we could see to it that she knows she's safe, while we're out here seeing the sights."[/color][/quote] The man stared a little more carefully at Amerigo, his hand straying from his hoe to the simple sword strapped at his waist. There was a shift,perhaps in the wind, perhaps in the tension between the two men. But it was evident to see the man immediately became more closed off and wary. [quote=Amerigo][color=50849f]"Tell me. Has there been much trouble about the fields these days?"[/color][/quote] [b]”Ah… you know how it is in Nordor. Everything is fairly spread out, yes? When word travels, it usually takes some time.”[/b] With a little twinkle in his eye, the man slowly drew his fingers to his face, and blew hard. A ringing whistle rang out, and perhaps thirty to forty-five seconds later, three soldiers, dressed with the colors of nobility, converged on the man's location. They took defensive stances, hands on the pommels of their undrawn swords. Then man shrugged, standing up a little straighter. He still smiled, but there was an edge to it. [b]”I've heard no news of trouble or a lost sister in Nordor. Now, I would highly suggest you take your companion and head out the same way you came in. I can't guarantee your safety if you continue forward…”[/b] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CwGzNjC.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Hathforth, Elysia Quarters, Prison Below the Barracks[/color][/h3] [@The Otter] [hr] [quote=Callum][color=#fcba03]"Well, this is a pitiful sight, isn't it? At least [i]this[/i] time you were smart enough not to try and fight your way out of it; I'm sure you'd have been hacked to pieces if you'd tried [i]that[/i] again."[/color][/quote] Raiden’s heart sank a little at the sight of Callum. The Queen's chosen, or whatever the hell he was. It was bad news he was here. What could he possibly want, if he wasn't here to kill him, or torture him? Well, that wasn't confirmed. Callum still had his weapons. So he was very much in a position to main or kill him. Here, alone in his cell, without trial and where no one would be the wiser. [i]A sad life. Man, maybe I should have been a bard.[/i] [b]”The captain made a fairly convincing argument, him and all his soldiers staring me down in the water.”[/b] Raiden said with a nonchalant shrug, at least as much as he could with his arms bound as they were. [quote=Callum][color=#fcba03]"I imagine you wish you'd decided to listen to me before—or are you still so self-assured that you're convinced it was the right choice?"[/color][/quote] Raiden gave an abashed look, almost looking shy as he gave a sheepish grin. [b]”Can't blame a man for acting aggressively after a nap. It was a really good nap too. The best naps are the ones stolen as a stowaway in the hold of a ship…”[/b] He gave a little sigh, gesturing to himself. [b]”As you can see, I am not in any position to talk back to you today. So, we can continue the conversation that day. Or, if you had new questions, I’m all ears. I'm sure you have plenty…”[/b] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qv8ncAY.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Odenfield[/color][/h3] [@Psyker Landshark] [hr] [b]”The Countessa sleeps.”[/b] Came the soft words of the Queen. The Countessa’s body had been Glamoured to resemble Odella Irwine, a young daughter of an earl that was a patron to the Odenfield university. ‘Odella’ smiled, betraying the pleased, subdued satisfaction of Evelyn Keove behind the wheel. [b]”Please, address me as Lady Irwine, Lady Elarel. I am very pleased to be embarking on this journey with you. Together, we will find out who burned my beloved city.”[/b] They passed a few more pleasantries, cementing their roles, before rolling up at Duke Rhinecliff’s estate. The lights were gleaming, and there was a murmur of cheerful vices rising up from within. As Odella and Elora disembarked from the carriage and entered the estate, they were greeted by none other than Lady Olivia Rhys, one of the closest confidants of Duke Rhinecliff. [b]”Lady Irwine, Lady Elarel, I'm so pleased to see the both of you. And traveling by carriage despite living on opposite areas of the city, you must love each other so! Please, come in, you're right on time.”[/b]