[hider=The Upper Tunnels] [indent] [u][b]The Upper Tunnels–[/b][/u] These are closest to the surface, these zones are home to criminals and people that want to keep away from the eye of the council and authority figures of Dominion though these individuals do not dare open the sealed iron gates to the surface level. In truth, no one knows how to open these large doors, and everyone that has tried has "disappeared". People that still seek to uncover lost memories of the world tend to not stay around long unless they were very careful... sadly, no one can be that careful in a situation with limited flexibility. These tunnels come from natural caves, once forgotten mines, and ancient sewer ways. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e0/62/60/e06260baed2389b7ea677edfa324bf46.jpg[/img][/center] Very rarely do regulars go up this high unless they have a wanted poster in the cities or they could be curious. There might be a few other reasons though someone that is too curious could find semi-decent make-shift homes in drier rooms of these upper tunnels. Sometimes these rooms are forgotten, sometimes you are the first to come across one and can loot it, but be careful! You never know who is living in one or has claimed it as their own. Usually groups are found in these areas but loners roam around as well. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/31/05/c3/3105c32cd453add6468db8fe0a813fd6.jpg[/img][/center] [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Khia] [indent] [b][u]Khia[/u][/b] is known as the [i]oldest city[/i] and possibly the first one of advancement in the century long council-based government and civilized system that Dominion has. This city has the largest and most unruly population out of all the cities. It was once a great place but the majority of people that live in the area are anywhere from stricken and stuck in poverty to purely middle-class individuals. Another attribute of this city that helps keep the Dominion functioning is that this is the city where resources are gathered and processed. A lot of resources are in this city such as minerals, precious metals and natural fuels, farming land, and more! [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/49/bf/05/49bf056128f7a3ea72091e3952c0926b.jpg[/img][/center] Another fact about this city is where one can find the [b][i]Grey Market[/i][/b] where you can find almost anything you want for a price. Everything has a price. Plus, this is where people go to do procedures if other cities medical systems reject them for artificial enhancements. Not everyone that goes under the knife comes out of that back room, you have to pay good, and have a little bit of trust! [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Qona] [indent] [b][u]Qona[/u][/b] is known as the city of wonders and dreams. Everyone seems to be pretty happy in this city and the lower classes in this city find basic jobs or route themselves to work in Khia. There is barely anyone under lower middle-class in this city but there isn't many families in this area that are higher than a little richer than most. This city is the city of education, there are public and private options in this area. Private options are similar to what the surface societies once referred to as "Homeschooling" and families (married or not) that have independents are allowed to take governmental assistance to have children tutored at home. The requirements are for one parent to stay home because the Qonian people believe there are roles in society. They see raising children as a full-time job and encourage a parent to stay home or a family to have an in-home-nanny. This is doable in this city because of the great council member Tarin Geode! [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fc/a0/27/fca027515567cbbadb967dd597c25eea.jpg[/img][/center] This city is also known for its higher forms of education! The university, Geode of Dominion, was founded by Tarin's family decades upon decades ago. A ton of people have put a lot of work into the GoD university. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/74/6d/ed746d348a01f4486f34a38bd6d350be.jpg[/img][/center] The GoD has improved life for all of Dominion by tenfold since it has opened and the university can start at any age. There are students as young as thirteen enrolled because of their abilities and quick-to-learn certain topics or a career field. The average enrollment age is 16 while the average graduation age is 20.5 for a masters degree. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Slia] [indent] [b][u]Slia[/u][/b] is another city in Dominion that helps the whole ecosystem of this civilization to be prosperous. This is the only city that has access to fresh water and has a man-made dam that filters and purifies the water to make sure there are no contaminants or outbreaks of any kind. The people of Slia are referred to as the [i]Slia[/i], a softer pronunciation versus when people refer to the city. [i]S-lie[/i] versus [b]S-L-eye[/b]. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4c/d9/f7/4cd9f7bed6e59eb25a70ba11bb6d024a.jpg[/img][/center] Slia's population is a bigger one with wider horizons compared to the other cities in Dominion. There are areas that are more in the natural rock walls that are known as the "Slums" and they are more outside of the city while there are extremely wealthy individuals who live after the dam and have the purest and freshest water out of everyone in Dominion. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Esille] [b][u]Esille[/u][/b] is known as the shopping district city. There are a ton of people that live in this city though this city is somewhat centered between the other three. It has high end establishments for anything including where the council members met for every meeting to adult night clubs that have used their resources to make artificial dancers and workers. This city is the city where the medical establishments are and where processing of requests, legally, can be done. This is the heart of the civilization. If you want to buy a home, you have to go to this city. If you want a medical procedure or to not be worked on by first-second ranked medical students in Qona (which is the cheaper option!) go to Esille instead. If you are going to court, you are coming to one of the legal buildings here. You want to buy a lover valentine gifts? Go to Esille. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/59/86/e9/5986e94424aed87090eb34c98ead2d23.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/00/00/a1/0000a1e037686e853e76e400813fc645.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider]