[hr] [h1]Ruined Inn[/h1] [hr] "I---..." I trail off, my eyes drifting to the shape of the staff gripped in my hands. I have to be able to do magic. I'm an elf now, to begin with, and they're always good at magic in nearly every fantasy setting I know about. If I'm an elf dressed up as a mage and this is clearly a fantasy setting, then there's no reason to think otherwise. But how do I do magic in the first place? It's not something I have any frame of reference for. I don't know how magic would even begin to work. Even if I look at fantasy media, it's not like magic works in a consistent way throughout all of them. Even if it's like one of those stories, how would I know which one? It's like having a new limb suddenly appear on my body. How am I supposed to know how to use it? Do I just want it enough? "E-er, I'm not sure yet..." I trail off, raising my staff slowly in both hands and trying to think it over. There has to be some way to figure it out, right? ---Right? Ah. He's opened the door. I can hear it much louder, now. And see it, too. It's making its way up. I had a feeling when I saw the shambling shapes outside, but they were far enough and in some cases armored enough that I couldn't be completely certain. It's not pleasant to look at, but it's so dried out from being locked down in the basement that it's more like looking at a mummy then a rotten corpse. I guess I can be thankful for that. I'm thankful for Javal-san, too. He's not even hesitating before trying to beat it down, and since he's got armor he's probably the best one to handle that here. ... I certainly can't. Not with this thin arms. Not with this small body. However--- I might not know how to use magic yet, but I know what kind of setting this must be. If nothing else, I can tell him how to take it out! "It's a magic zombie, I'm sure of it!" I call to him from behind, "That's... that's what kind of setting this is, it's fantasy! So don't bother trying to go for the head, try and make it so the body doesn't work anymore! Break its limbs, its back, make it it so it can't move!" That has to be the way---! [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Crimson Paladin][@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] [h1]Forest[/h1] [hr] "... Wake up there?" For a few moments, the girl stared incredulously, as if she couldn't understand how such a thing would be possible. "I don't understand how you find yourself out in the middle of the woods, let alone at [i]that[/i] shrine, by accident," she said, lowering her staff, "But Relki did mention you seemed disoriented..." She trailed off, then eyed the two older members of the trio(but notably not Hikari) suspiciously. "Were you drunk?" She let out a heavy sigh. "Well, in case you needed a refresher," she began, "That shrine is given a wide berth for a reason." She placed her free hand on her hip. "That creature is why." She grumbled something under her breath, barely audible. While for most it would be difficult to make out any clear words, Hikari's sensitive fox ears would be able to discern what was being said. "---Not that staying away from the shrine is enough these days." For a few moments, the witch-girl didn't say anything else, her brows furrowed and her lips pressed tightly together. Then, she let out another sigh. "Listen, I'm not happy about this, but I can't have two weirdoes and an unfortunate maid dying on my conscience," she said, "And Relki wouldn't leave me alone if I just pointed you towards the way out and told you to find your own way." As if on cue, a raven appeared from seemingly no-where, gently alighting on the tip of the girl's staff. It regarded the odd trio silently, tilting its head. "So, follow me. I'll take you someplace safe for the night and then show you the way out in the morning. Got it?" The girl turned and started to walk away, then paused and looked back over her shoulder. "Since you seem so ill-informed, I'll introduce myself. I'm Ilsa, Substitute Witch of the Forest." The raven let out a caw, and Ilsa glared at it for a moment. Eventually, she let out a sigh. "And that's Relki. For some reason, she won't just tell you herself. Now, come on." With that, she turned and started to walk away. The forest was no longer so dark and intimidating, with the departure of the creature, but the patches of dead plants where its hooved feet hand fallen remained. Still, the birds had returned, and the idyllic and peaceful-seeming surroundings no longer held a scrap of malice. Certainly, there were likely dangerous creatures living in the woods of a more ordinary sort, but it still seemed to be a pleasant enough place. If one could forget the deer creature. After a few moments of walking, the forest cleared slightly to reveal a stone path with grass growing between it, leading to a cottage across a small wooden bridge over a stream. It had a small garden out front, flush with blooming flowers, and something small and sparkly seemed to be flitting around above the rooftops and about the garden. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Pyromania99][@Raineh Daze]