[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c2Golyt.png[/img][/center] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 28th Sola, Daytime [color=peru]Location:[/color] Edin Theater [color=peru]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/FOg6BjE.jpeg]Military Formal[/url], but in Caesonian colors [url=https://i.imgur.com/PEMSUSV.jpeg]Family Dirk[/url] + [url=https://i.imgur.com/sS8bDBR.jpeg]Crest[/url] [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] [@princess] Anastasia [color=peru]Mentions:[/color] [@samreaper] Kazumin, [@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo The moments leading in to Kazumin’s dance had Stratya wondering what the man would do. A play? She didn’t often see them. [color=peru]“Aye, ‘e’s been done up well,”[/color] the knight agreed with Anastasia, though, when he fell and she pleaded with no one in particular, Stratya had to turn herself away and stifle a giggle, pressing her fist to her lips. Her wooden son? Oh my. [color=peru] “Aye, aye, up ‘e goes. Steady on.”[/color] The Captain was impressed with Kazumin’s ability to convey such emotion with his movements. The struggle of something animating for the first time was not a simple emotion. The Princess’s quiet, whispered interjections were heartwarming. It was a reflection of the Princess’s goodly nature. When the Princess mentioned him being perfect, Stratya shook her head,[color=peru] “who needs ‘perrfect’? Just go ‘bout i’, yer grrand.”[/color] Themes of loss. Difficulty communicating, letting your emotions run away with you, something beautiful lost before it could blossom. Interrupting her digestion of the dance was the king’s bellowing. Ooh, he’d really gotten into that one, had he? Stratya’s gaze turned to the Royal Box for a moment, attracted by the noise, and almost got back to the stage when, [color=DDB775]“I MUST OWN HIM!”[/color] She almost, almost snapped back to the Royal Box. She caught herself. What would she do, glare? A careful breath steadied her, and while fighting the urge to go and hide Kazumin from the King, she realized.. had she seen- yes, there he was. Prince Callum. He’d be happy to hear the news she’d discovered yesterday. She’d have to tell him and Anastasia, later. Today, preferably. In the meantime, Duke Lorenzo took the stage. H-.. how.. does a Duke have less decorum than herself? As Duke, he should be pretty good at this, right? She realized and wondered, then, how she kept forgetting his reputation. The princess decided to indulge him, and set the musical stage for the poem to follow. Blink and you’d miss it, as they saying goes. It was [i]wine[/i]. He struggled with drink. Stratya leaned back in her seat, taking a slow breath of understanding. And to admit it here, on stage, was this a sign from him? Was this, perhaps, his way of pushing himself to do better, to overcome his addiction? She would have to support him, if that were the case. Before she could consider such things for too long, Anastasia announced Darryn’s murder to the room, expressed how important he was to her. Her emotional statement had a strong start, but as her performance ended, Stratya was dissatisfied. The Princess cared so much for her departed friend, and yet her purpose in this was so.. wistful and emotional. She had so much power and influence, to waste it like this, when she had the opportunity to make a stance of strength and command. Right. As Anastasia’s performance came to an end, and Stratya saw how the Princess was winding up, she rose from her seat and made her way to the sidestage. Once the performance was over, and Stratya was sure, she strode out, kneeling near the Princess and speaking softly, for her ears only. [color=peru] “Prrincess Anastacia Danrrose. I ‘ave ‘eard yerr caring message. I do find it [i]lacking[/i]. Imagine, ferr a momen’, tha’ t’ one tha’ did tha’ to ‘im is in this room, tha’ they’re listenin’. Wit’out lettin’ on wha’ ye do or donnae ken o’ them, withou’ scarin’ t’ poor innocent folk, what ‘ave ye go’ tae say t’ them?”[/color] The knight looked out over the audience before turning back to the Princess,[color=peru] “ye’ve said ‘ow ye feel wit’ a beautiful song an’ sta’emen’, now what will ye [i]do[/i] abou’ i’? Can y’ musterr y’r strrength thrrough yer tears for y’ fallen frriend, Prrincess?”[/color] A beat, and the knight smiled warmly,[color=peru] “make ‘em jit’er in their shoes.”[/color] Knight Captain Stratya Durmand, Defender of the Realm, was prepared to stand to the Princess’s flank, should she decide to make a more powerful statement.