[center][h2]Ethan Marsh[/h2][/center] [right][code]Monday April 14th, 13 Mourningdove Lane[/code][/right][hr] Ethan, at first, did not listen to what the Archivist said since he, while still in soul sight, was staring at Pom as he could see that for some reason. She had a second soul attached to her soul. He was too new to the soul sight to tell what kind of soul it was, but it dawned on him that perhaps he should tell her about this before it caused problems. If it has not already, and if she would believe him. But, Ethan would turn off his soul sight and listen in to what the Archivist was saying. Perhaps Ethan was expecting too much or something since he did not expect the Archivist, who is an elf, based on what he can see. To be a prick, but who knows? Maybe living in this mansion for a long time by himself has done something to his mind, though he could just be a natural prick. An old one at that, and with a sense of superiority over them. This is going to be a long night and he sighed at the thought. Not just being with this Archivist but also with the others, and maybe it would have been better if the pie survived. At least get something good in his stomach if things take a turn. Which he hopes it does not. So, after hearing what else the others have said, some of them being questions he would have asked and some of the others brought up good points. Like how did he find out they had magic powers and whatnot? He only had magic for a week and then his letter. There is more to this elf than they know, and while the rest are clearly pissed and ready to leave. A sentiment that he does not share since he wants to know what this elf wants and why he summoned them. Then, a thought came to him that the others had not said, and since he did not want to be a repeating parrot and annoyed the Archivist further. However, the others will probably make that worse, so Ethan chooses to remain silent and not antagonize the Archivist further. He has questions, but those can wait for now.