[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Jo9oQBL.png[/img] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color][/h1] [color=D2691E][b]Location:[/b] Edin Theater[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Time:[/b] Morning of the 28th[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Mentions:[/b] Kazumin[@samreaper], Drake, Lorenzo[@FunnyGuy], and Anastasia[@princess][/color] [color=D2691E][center]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center][/color] [/center] [h3][color=greenyellow]Drake[/color][/h3] [center] Here was a regal looking gentleman. One who was determined to put on a show. This part of the show was to be an act in three parts it would seem. The first one an upbeat show of determination and hopefulness. It seemed as if the man wanted to speak through the music. He spoke about dreams realized, hopes reached, and promises kept. The positive energy was yet another good start to the act, but Farim wondered just how it would turn on its lid based on the way Drake spoke. Yet despite this forbearing thought, Farim caught himself bouncing to the music. [color=D2691E][i]How infectious![/i][/color] He thought to himself. Then the second piece played - and Farim paused in his fears. The tonal shift was there, but it felt somber and subtle. It was like he felt himself beginning to pan through his thoughts, his memories, and a newfound appreciation for what he had seen and done flooded forth. Farim’s mind went back to the sands of his home - the beautiful cities that could be seen for miles along the horizon no matter which direction you came from. He thought of his dreams, and what he had done to achieve them thus far, and what was to come. Farim appreciated the brief peace that came with this song, and found himself jolted back to reality as the final act began. The first word to come to mind was hope. A shining ray of emotion that made him feel like he could conquer most, if not any challenges. Whoever this Drake person was, Farim was fond of their performance and the vast emotional palette he shared with the audience. He offered a firm enthusiastic clap as the performance reached its finale. [/center] [h3][color=00a651]Kazumin[/color][/h3] [center] Farim made his way into the crowd, with a few hushed gasps and excited gestures from the audience. He quickly appeased their excitement and moved to sit in an appropriate seat to give him a proper view of the stage. He could have witnessed such things from the side of the stage - but that would have removed a layer of showmanship that he would appreciate. As he sat down, the murmurs died down and people’s restless behavior settled before the performance of what he assumed to be a commoner amongst the performers - not that Farim minded. Brilliance could come from anywhere after all, so he watched with anticipation as the scene unfolded to the lifeless puppet. The jubilee and candor taking place between the girl and the puppet put a smile to his face. It was nice that things were going well in this play, the way the puppet showed such life and enthusiasm made him almost forget the tale of the “fake boy” who showed “real feelings”. There was however, a slight sense of unease building as the play took a more sinister turn. Farim felt a sensation in the back of his neck as the boy bumped into the girl, turning what was a joyful shared moment between them into one of fear and separation. What started out as a friendly child-like tale of friendship had morphed into the tale of how easily some bridges burn. How quickly some friendships fade. The slightest stress causing those bonds to snap like a cord pushed beyond its limit. Farim nodded in solemn appreciation for the tale the young man shared - quickly doused by Edin’s overenthusiastic proclamation of “owning him”. To keep up appearances he kept his reaction neutral, but he found it rather distasteful. Can’t a man simply practice his art without people immediately laying claim to his craftsmanship? For this man's sake, Farim hoped it would not result in him being bought like property. [/center] [h3][color=salmon]Lorenzo[/color][/h3] [center] [color=D2691E][i]Now here is an interesting participant.[/i][/color] Farim thought. The duke had a reputation for causing chaos and bewilderment wherever he strode - so Farim smirked as the possibilities played in his head. The mans words danced around the stage until there was one particular phrase that made the Shehzade stop in his mental tracks. [color=D2691E][i][b]P….pigeon?[/b] Surely I misheard…[/i][/color] Farim shouted mentally. A few protesting coos from Thara confirmed that Lorenzo really did just call his dear companion and pet “a pigeon”. Farim knew better than to cause a scene, but the he and Thara both shot cold glares at him - if he dared look their way. The glare softened as he heard a supportive voice from among the crowd. Farim smiled, thinking that perhaps she would damage control the silly taunts of Duke Lorenzo. Then he decided to just shout for Anastasia like he was summoning any other woman around. [color=D2691E][i]Is this guy serious? Why on earth would she- And she is actually going up there.[/i][/color] There was a pause in his thoughts - and finally the cold stare broke into a grin and chuckle. The absurdity of it all was enough to make him quietly laugh. [color=D2691E][i]At least she is having a good time.[/i][/color] Now for the actual talent act…The mood, the atmosphere, and the words shared began to blend into a single moment of passion. Such visceral emotion was something he did not expect from the Duke. Talks of love - of the things one would do. It made him contemplate….reflect…and even ponder. The normally outwardly goofy man made lyrical strides that danced around his mind’s eye. This was not just the musings of a man who had thought about love. It was experience and past coming together to mull over the deeds of man lost in himself. Was this the real Lorenzo? Everything else simply a front to hide his own past? Farim could only wonder as the poem ended, and he offered slow but thoughtful applause for the man who just moments ago had gotten the entire crowd all riled up only to have them sit in silent appreciation. [/center] [h3][color=E77298]Anastasia[/color][/h3] [center] This was the entire reason he had come to this event in the first place - why he even signed up to headline the show of talents from around the globe. Well, there was a bit of national pride and hoping to show the people from afar the glory of his nation - but the woman on stage was, as the duke aptly put, his muse in a sense. He was rather excited to see her talents on center stage, with only a taste of her stringwork in the piece before. Tonight’s change of heart performance began softly, easing its way into his ears as the Princess carried the speech of her long lost friend into the lonely air. His mind flashes once again back to that time long ago. The eyes of his long lost friend, panning out to see that optimistic light fade. The image of this trauma blew away like sand against the wind as the scene shifted to the stable hand who, just a few days ago, was alive. Full of energy. Hope. Dreams. Perhaps dreams they shared - or at least dreams Farim could condone. The scene in his head shifts once more, to a bright caring face full of love. One that nurtured him from a growing boy into the optimistic young man that travelled the world in hope of finding peace for his home. The same vision Farim had seen in the woods, of his mother painted in the visage of a passing spirit. She too, was another soul who may very well have met her fate far too early. Another painful yet necessary memory he would cling onto. A tear rolled along his cheek at the thought. Deaths like theirs was a curse for the living. A beautiful curse that some wore well, and others let degrade them to their core. There were many there who likely felt the weight of Annie’s story. If it was not Darryn. It was some other nameless face that to everyone else seemed like nothing more than a name to be spoken in hushed words. But to that person, it was the entire world. The notes that cried out into the theater were not just a requiem to those long past, but a cry to not let their memory fade. The notes were full of want, of dreams that could have been - and each one faded away against his ear drums like the lives of people who pass on every single day. The song ended, and a quick wipe of his tears was warranted before he stood up and offered a firm clapping to echo the one he heard from where her family was seated. Farim’s gaze stayed locked on the woman who just bared it all in front of everyone - much like those who had come before her. Perhaps next time he would do something similar. But this was a dream for another time - his thoughts and prayers stayed focused on the names of those who had passed and had not yet been forgotten. [color=D2691E][i]May their memory persist. Like all other blessings in life.[/i][/color] [/center]