The smartest and cutest doll - Lena [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@VitaVitaAR][@Crimson Paladin] [hr] "Eeeeh, people love getting hugs from me. They say I'm incredibly soft." It was a good thing Sephily mentioned something about the noise, as she was not really asking permission to actually hug the elf. Lena turned her head towards the door in question as Javal started his descent towards it. Wait, were they actually going towards the source of the noise? "Wait? Ser'yezno? Really? Isn't this the part we go away from the spooky noise thats obviously trapped in the basement?" Well, she supposed nothing ventured nothing gained and all that, but if it was something dangerous, she was probably one of the most defenseless ones here, right? She didn't have armor or any kind of fancy magical staff. Just her little dagger. Unsurprisingly, it was indeed something monstrous down there. At least it looked less like a human. That made it easier to look at and deal with. "Sephily likely has the right of it! Break its legs first if you can!" Even if she couldn't do much, she could at least try to find something that helped. She wasn't much of a fighter, and she didn't know how to deal with a zombie really, but she did know one thing. Human bodies were fragile, especially against good old fashioned blunt force trauma. In the mean time, Lena started heading back towards the rest of the first floor looking for anything that might be of use. Maybe the knight had something else on him? Damn it if only there was a weapon or something like a mace or something she could give Javal. Her hand brushed over the fallen knights armor again as she searched him. "Bah, you stupid rust bucket if I could throw you at that zombie..." Caught up in her thoughts as she was and muttering to herself about the situation, she barely noticed little outlines of things appearing both on the armor and at the center of her vision, much like one might see when working up a model on a 3D printer or CAD software. "" What...was this? She felt something kind of...pulling her attention to both of the outlines. The armor was obvious, but the one sort of floating in front of her was a little harder to make out. It looked...vaguely like a long metal rod with a bulbous head of some sort...? Like...a mace...