[center][indent][indent][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/256x256q70/r/922/TRzrP3.png[/img][/indent][/indent][/center] [center][color=1cb2fc][h1][b]❆ SIR ARCTICUS ❆[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][sup]The Gold Pavilion[/sup][/center] [center][sup][@Estylwen][@Rekkuza][/sup][/center] [hr] [color=bfa278]"Hey, boss. We delivered all the food and extra tables to floor forty-eight, and we moved the projector and folding chairs to floor twelve like you wanted, but..."[/color] The pavilion employee scratched the back of his head lazily, holding his phone with his other hand. For all the chaos that had been unfolding in the city streets lately, his work remained pretty much the same. A few duffel bags of party supplies rested at his feet as he rode the elevator upwards, chatting with his manager all the while. He had brought those bags into the elevator, and he knew he needed to take them to the 50th floor before he could go on his break. As for the thing at the back of the elevator, though, he had no idea. [color=bfa278]"...Where am I supposed to put the big ice sculpture?"[/color] The frozen form of a large, armoured warrior, standing with its arms crossed, took up the back half of the rather lavish elevator. To the workman, the design looked very familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. Was the sculpture for some sort of really classy anime convention? As the elevator continued its quiet ascent, the statue remained unmoving, casting its gaze downward. Even thought it lacked a face, having only a stylized helmet, it gave off the impression of being deep in contemplation. [color=bfa278]"Who left it here? It's kind of creeping me out."[/color] Before the man could hear any reply from his boss, the quiet chime of the elevator alerted him to the opening of the doors. He picked up the duffel bags in one hand and stepped forwards, before stopping himself. The tiny number above the doors displayed 48. He needed to get off at 50. Had he pressed the wrong button? [color=1cb2fc][b]"Excuse me."[/b][/color] The employee nearly jumped out of his skin as the deep voice sounded out softly from behind him. In the same moment, a massive shadow fell over him, as the overbearing form of the ice sculpture circled politely around him. The crystalline ringing noise of its footsteps was muffled by the fine carpets as it ducked down to fit out of the elevator door. Without another glance back at the terrified workman, it turned down the hallway and moved out of sight. Too shocked to let out a sound, the pavilion employee stood completely frozen as the doors slid closed once more, and the elevator continued upwards. Sir Arcticus stalked down the hall towards the meeting place, his mind still turning over the events of the previous weekend. The day before, the local villains had claimed a victory over the heroes and vigilantes, and had made off with an obscene amount of cash. Moreover, it seemed clear that Sir Arcticus had been lied to by that girl on the street as part of the villains' comprehensive plan to make their escape. Though he had arrived at the correct bank only moments after the getaway of Solaris and his associates, he had been unable to track down any of the fleeing evildoers in the unfamiliar streets of Nova City. In the end, all that the knight had to offer the innocent and the injured were apologies and promises to continue the fight against evil. If he wanted to make good on those promises, he couldn't do it alone. Fortune had smiled on him in that department, as not long after the end of his search, word had reached him that an old hero was taking action to turn the city's situation around. Just as he was about to step into the meeting space, Sir Arcticus' armour changed shape. The largest spikes of the helm and pauldrons vaporized, and his entire form shrunk a bit, down to just over seven feet tall. Into the surfaces of his arms, legs, and chest, shallow embossment formed in shapes that resembled trailing Celtic knots. He had become more presentable to suit the situation, or so it seemed. He had been prepared to fight an uphill battle against evil, but even so, the turnout at the event was unexpectedly small. The host was there, and a hero with a paramedic-like appearance was arguing with her. [color=1cb2fc][b]"If thou lack'st the will to oppose the serpents which suffocate the people of this land, there are none here who can force thee to take up the sword."[/b][/color] Clinking softly against the floor with each footfall, the ice knight approached the pair. [color=1cb2fc][b]"And yet, thou hast come. If naught else, this proves thine acknowledgment of the existence of a problem. [i]Someone[/i] must fight."[/b][/color] The knight stood over the table where the folders on the city's villains lay. Glancing at the label of each one. Some of them had been involved in the bank robbery, he knew, but who were the others? [color=1cb2fc][b]"I am Sir Arcticus of Skyline."[/b][/color] He introduced himself to Doc, putting one hand to his chest and offering a slight bow. [color=1cb2fc][b]"It seemeth my presence in this city is already known to hero and villain alike."[/b][/color] Even as his armour was kept entirely frozen by his power, there was still the slightest amount of moisture continuously present on its surface. It was only about as much as the condensation on a cold glass of water, but it was conceivably still enough to damage paper. The knight picked up a napkin before he reached for one of the files, using the cloth to protect the paper from his frozen fingers. The particular file Sir Arcticus had chosen to peruse was one whose name had struck him as somehow familiar. The memory of a bitter fall from grace stirred in his mind. Anathema. In contrast to the physician who scarcely seemed to want to be here, the knight stood resolute, in complete support of the heroes' operation. Although his way of speaking was a bit absurd, there was something in his voice and manner that firmly communicated a sense of courage and reliability. [color=1cb2fc][b]"Lady Aurealis... As long as you are pursuing a brighter future for this city, I shall aid you in any way that you request. You have my word."[/b][/color]