Rio's bold assertion wouldn't yield a response from Chunji. While it was true Ciara deserved some sort of punishment in reparation for those she hurt, Chunji couldn't see anything good out of this. Even if she did come out of this alive, her victim complex would no doubt worsen from the entire ordeal. By the time Otis chimed into the conversation, Chunji stopped paying to the attention in the entirety. The end result of Ciara's trial mattered little to Chunji anyway. If she was let free, then so be it. If she incarcerated, then so be it. There little at personal stake for Chunji. He wasn't close with Ciara and he was only grateful for helping him rescue Davil. Though that was also a can of worms. What Chunji was more concerned about was something else entirely. His personal health. There was a faint irritation in his eyes along with the burning sensation that permeated his skin throughout the night. His body felt as if it was on fire, but he had already performed a basic examination on himself. Everything was fine, his body didn't have any symptoms to conclude that he obtained an illness. That only led him to only rational conclusion. A burning house. A forgotten duty. A sin bared in blood. "Urk..." Violent coughs erupted from Chunji as he covered his mouth. Each incrementally more hurtful than the last. After the coughing fit had passed, Chunji was granted some reprieve. "My apologizes, it seems that I have caught something." A quick excuse and a swift retrieval of a mask. All he needed to do was pass through the week and it'll all be over. He could do this, he's been through worse.