[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eYxgUl8.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/zvh6Fp8.png[/img][/center] [hr][i][b]Nova City, Arakana Tower, the Night Before[/b][/i][hr][sub]Collaboration between [@enmuni] and [@Estylwen][/sub][hr] It was quite late at night when Georgia finally made her way to Arakana Tower. And, in typical Anathema fashion, she had no regard for actually using the front door. Instead, Georgia emerged from one of her very own rifts from a window right by the front desk. She snapped her finger, the hellish rift zipped shut, and maundered to the desk. Without any further ado, the former heroine in a messed-up hoodie from her former merchandise clapped her hands together and shot the receptionist a piercing look. Without any further regard for her surroundings, she spoke. [color=#c4807a]“Solaris expecting any guests tonight?”[/color] she asked idly, making her voice sound almost like she was making small talk. But anyone who’d heard Georgia back in the day knew that any social niceties from her would have come off much less apathetic. The receptionist nodded politely, either wholly unsurprised by the rift in which Georgia came through, or had an excellent poker face. [b]”Of course.”[/b] She passed Georgia an ID tag which read ‘Executive’ and pointed down the hall. [b]”Take the elevator, use your ID card to scan the reader inside, and it'll take you to the penthouse suite. The Mask Solaris will meet you there.”[/b] If Georgia would do as such, she would find herself in the highest level in the tower. There would be a small hallway from the elevator that lead to a door. As she drew near, the door clicked open, revealing a man with tousled hair, dark dress shirt and slacks. Ethan. He offered a crooked smile, opening the door and stepping to the side, [color=6666ff][b]”Welcome, Anathema. You're right on time~”[/b][/color] [color=#c4807a]“Thank you,”[/color] she responded. As she stepped in, she would see a warm, leather ensemble for a [url=https://pin.it/6TBiVXTQl]lounge[/url]. Ethan beckoned her through a second door, to a modern, open-concept kitchen. At the table, there was a cloth and two candles, and two silver platters covered in chrome covers. Ethan gestured for her to sit, smirking. [b][color=6666ff]”A little birdie told me you wanted a steak dinner, yes?”[/color][/b] Georgia crossed her arms, and a surprisingly good-natured, slightly embarrassed smile—not unlike the one she once sported in a meme from a few years’ back—sprouted on her face. With a light chuckle, she sighed. [color=#c4807a]“If I’d’ve known you’d be ready this fast, I’d’ve come dressed,”[/color] she drawled. She clicked her tongue, put a hand on her hip, and nodded, [color=#c4807a]“You reckon I got a few minutes to freshen up, give this the dressing-up it deserves~?”[/color] Ethan nodded, a knowing smirk crossing his face. [b][color=6666ff]”Be my guest.”[/color][/b] Without another word, Georgia nodded, withdrew her knife from her hoodie pocket, and made a rift on the wall. She hopped through it, and some fair amount of crashing could be heard for a few minutes, before Georgia re-emerged. Shockingly, especially given how little time she’d taken, she looked quite well-put-together. She wore a backless, golden cocktail dress that hung on her neck like a halter and went down to just above her knees. Her hair wasn’t exactly done, but she [i]had[/i] taken the liberty to somehow apply matching gold eyeliner and sparkly eyeshadow, as well as gold hoop earrings. [color=#c4807a]“Just needed a few minutes,”[/color] she affirmed, [color=#c4807a]“Excuse the heroine look. Still haven’t found a new [i]fancy[/i] look to do in a flash…”[/color] She offered a shrug and took her seat, as if clearing out one’s wardrobe to look villainous was a mundane thing that just needed to be gotten around to. [color=#c4807a]“Anyhow,”[/color] she said as she slid her seat back in. She tilted her head and gave a genuine, bright smile—quite reminiscent of the one she showed the cameras a lifetime ago, [color=#c4807a]“Thank you, really, for having me. It’s nice to dress up once in a while, isn’t it?”[/color] Ethan smiled pleasantly at Georgia's change in attire. [b][color=6666ff]”I have seen heroes dress in black and villains dress in white, so I'd say the attires meaning is entirely dependant on the wearer, my dear. “And you'll find many more days of dressing up, working with me.”[/color][/b] His grin turned cheeky. He sat opposite to her at the table, his violet eyes gleaming in the candlelight. Leaned a little forward in his seat. Attentive, yet calm. [b][color=6666ff]”You'll have to forgive my counterpart. She can be a bit overzealous at times.”[/color][/b] He shrugged lightly, before picking up the champagne bottle on the table, gently uncorking it. There was a subtle [i]pop[/i], then Ethan filled two glasses with the sparkling liquid. He leaned over and placed one in front of Georgia, and raised his own glass. [b][color=6666ff]”To villainous new beginnings~”[/color][/b] And he took a small sip, before gesturing to her plate’s cover. [b][color=6666ff]”Go on, don't be shy. Eat it while it's hot.”[/color][/b] If Georgia were to lift the lid, she would find a beautifully steaming steak with grilled asparagus and gravied mashed potatoes. There was also a small side of Russian salad. Georgia sipped from her own glass, then cut into the steak. Inspecting the meat, she nodded approvingly. [color=#c4807a]“I think I’ll enjoy working for you more than most,”[/color] she commented. She matched the gaze of his violet eyes with her softly-glowing red ones, and smirked, [color=#c4807a]“For one, you have good taste in steak.”[/color] Georgia started cutting herself a piece, only to stop, click her tongue, and look back up from her plate. Her smile dissipated as fast as it came, and her expression settled into a neutral, if interested, gaze. [color=#c4807a]“But, let’s talk a moment about your…counterpart, you said? She had some thoughts of her own. We’re going after the Dragon, now, are we? Don’t need any of the virtue crap. He stepping on your toes and need a spanking, or are we talking bigger moves?”[/color] Ethan smirked. [color=6666ff][b]”I knew I liked you. Got a smart head on your shoulders. “Bigger moves, my dear. The Dragon is a necessary stepping stone to becoming the sovereign of the city. If we dismantle the Dragon, there will be no one stopping up from becoming a global force. Anything we,or you,could possibly want, would be at our finger tips.”[/b][/color] He said, taking a bite into his own steak, his face lighting up. It seemed the big bad villain had a soft spot for delicious food. He swallowed and glanced over at Georgia. [b][color=6666ff]”You mentioned pay and lodgings. I'll show you to your room when we are done. As for pay, you'll earn the same as my men. $3000 a month.”[/color][/b] Georgia nodded along softly as Ethan explained his ambitions, raising an eyebrow in skepticism at his mention of expanding into the broader world. [color=#c4807a]Want is such an ugly word.[/color] But it could not be denied that the man was, if nothing else, as close to the prideful reaching hand of man in the flesh as she’d ever seen. As he promised the world, Georgia blinked and smirked, as if to say, [color=#c4807a]Sure, sure, whatever you say.[/color] But when the matter of pay came up, she took a moment to think and do the math. [color=#c4807a]“That’s…”[/color] she trailed, clearly still thinking unsure about what she was saying as she said it, [color=#c4807a]“Not…bad? What is that, like, a bit more than twice minimum wage? So I gather most of these guys don’t have families, do they?”[/color] Ethan gave an easy smile. [color=6666ff][b]”For good performance they do receive bonuses. Like the bank heist we pulled off yesterday. And they do have families, a lot of them. Of course, you would be part of the bonus scheme, depending on your work.”[/b][/color] Georgia offered an appeased nod, perhaps mildly surprised, but otherwise satisfied with the answer. [color=#c4807a]“Whatever the case may be, $3000 a month is more than enough. I did a hell of a withdrawal a while back myself”[/color] she commented, in reference to the major ‘heist’ she’d committed shortly after her loss of hero status, where she’d forced several banks charged with the Gray family accounts to liquidate them and hand them over. Georgia made an aggressive, perhaps cruel, little smile as she spat the word [color=#c4807a]‘withdrawal’[/color] with particular force. [color=#c4807a]“The money is a formality. That [i]work[/i] you’re mentioning? That’s the meat and potatoes. [i]This[/i] is the good stuff now. Been gettin’ sick of sitting on my hands again. So what’ve you got me doing first, then?”[/color] Ethan smirked. He allowed himself another bite of steak and sip of champagne before speaking again. [b][color=6666ff]”How are you with team work, Anathema? I plan to host a party tomorrow, 6 PM, where villains such as yourself can mingle and choose what they want to work on together.”[/color][/b] [color=#c4807a]“I’m only Anathema to my enemies. Call me Georgia,”[/color] Georgia stated. With a brief sigh, she continued, [color=#c4807a]“That said, I’ve worked alone, worked with a few folks, and worked with a whole lot of ‘em at once. Doesn’t really matter to me, long as someone’s got marching orders for me to follow.”[/color] Georgia set down her fork and knife and picked up her glass. [color=#c4807a]“Not that I imagine you’ll have any trouble givin’ ‘em,”[/color] she added nonchalantly, [color=#c4807a]“And speakin’ of, if there’s something you want me to do around here, let me know too. I don’ exactly have any other plans.”[/color] Georgia nodded, as if agreeing with herself, before taking a formidable swig of the champagne. [color=#c4807a]“I made decisions as a hero. You don’t want me doing what I feel like, trust me. So what should I do there?”[/color] she concluded. Ethan gazed over her, feeling like he understood her better. [color=6666ff][b]”Very well, Georgia. Why don't I give you the task of infiltrating the Dragon’s Underground Auction? I have the password you'll need to get in. And then it'll be a matter of delivering it a blow it'll never come back from…”[/b][/color] He leaned back in his seat a little, that grin still on his face. [color=6666ff][b]”Until the party tomorrow, though, why don't you rendezvous with my security team and you can learn more about the tower? Muster points, protocols in case of an attack, that sort of thing.”[/b][/color] [color=#c4807a]“I think I can do that. But let’s be clear: Blow it’ll never recover from? You talkin’ literally or metaphorically?”[/color] she asked, with a small smirk flashing across her face when she posed the possibility of decimating the entire thing—clearly more enthused about the former idea. Ethan snickered, finishing the last of his steak. [color=6666ff][b]”I have been told that some of the specimens are alive. So, once they are out of the way, you can do what you like~.”[/b][/color] Georgia’s lips curled into a cruel grin, as her eyes flickered from her own empty plate to Ethan’s. She threw back the rest of her champagne, while with her left hand, she produced a puff of flames. She set down the glass with surprising care, and purred, [color=#c4807a]“Then there’s only a bit left to ask. Since I’m workin’ [i]for[/i] you, got anything you want me wearing for the big day? And do you want me to make sure he [i]knows[/i] his perdition is coming from your hands through me, or will it be another mysterious attack from a fallen creature?”[/color] Georgia finally let her teeth show properly, revealing by the blood staining her fangs and welling in her mouth that in her consumption of the steak, she’d nicked the inside of her mouth more than once. Through the fiery grin, she enunciated, [color=#c4807a]“That is, do you want any survivors other than these [i]specimens[/i]~?”[/color] With a flicker of a grimace, she wiped her mouth with her napkin, and swallowed. Ethan had a satisfied smile on his face. [b][color=6666ff]”I'll have an outfit ready for you before you embark on your mission. And yes, if we can get into the Dragon’s head that his days are numbered, all the better. You're more than welcome to spare a few to carry the, well, [I]message.[/I]”[/color][/b] He stood from his chair, gently nodding to the door. [b][color=6666ff]”If you're finished, I can show you to your new lodgings.”[/color][/b] Georgia reached forward, flicked her wrist, summoned the bottle, poured herself another glass of champagne, downed her glass in three swigs, as if taking shots of it, and then scooted out from the table. With something between grace and drunkenness, she sprung up and made her way to the door, and like a débutante, offered her arm to Ethan. [color=#c4807a]“If you’d be such a gentleman~,”[/color] she cooed, [color=#c4807a]“I’d be delighted.”[/color] Ethan, an amused look behind his eyes, held out his arm a little for her to curl her hand around. [b][color=6666ff]”Of course. I think you'll like this bit.”[/color][/b] And they walked together out of his penthouse and to the elevator. They went down about twenty floors, to a floor where the hallway was low-lit with strips of LED lighting on the sides. There was a door they walked up to among the few others, matching the number of Georgia's ID card. Ethan nodded to the card reader. [b][color=6666ff]”Go on, give it a try.”[/color][/b] Georgia swiped the card without hesitation and pushed the door open, holding a hand out briefly to telekinetically stop the door from slamming. Inside, once flicking on the lights, there was a small foyer that led into a modern [url=https://pin.it/2kxdrWfPq]lounge[/url], the lights of Nova City twinkling outside. Off to the side was an open-concept kitchen and two doors, one to a bathroom, one to a [url=https://pin.it/6J6f9b9tD]bedroom[/url]. Ethan hovered at the door, a knowing grin on his face. [b][color=6666ff]”What do you think?”[/color][/b] Georgia spun around, giving the whole place another look. She let out a small chuckle as a rather incredulous grin grew on her face. [color=#c4807a]“Shit, you could be making your bank as a property tycoon just as well,”[/color] she snarked, [color=#c4807a]“But definitely, it’s more than enough—it’s great. Just two questions.”[/color] Georgia held up a finger. [color=#c4807a]“Can you turn off the fire alarms in here?”[/color] she asked. She held up a second finger, and continued, [color=#c4807a]“And do any of the windows open?”[/color] Ethan nodded, taking in her twirling with a bit of satisfaction. [b][color=6666ff]”I can have them uninstalled tomorrow morning. And the windows open a crack, not enough to physically fit through, mind you.”[/color][/b] Georgia rubbed her chin, then clicked her tongue and spoke. [color=#c4807a]“Any balconies or fire escapes?[/color] Ethan pointed towards the kitchen area, where a small balcony could be seen through a curtain. [b][color=6666ff]”Wouldn't suggest looking down too much if you've got vertigo.”[/COLOR][/B] He said with a chuckle. Georgia looked behind herself and put her hands on her hips. [color=#c4807a]“Shit, so it is. Still gonna need the fire alarms out though,”[/color] she reiterated. She looked back at Ethan and snapped her finger, as if something had just occurred to her. [color=#c4807a]“And one more thing,”[/color] she added, her expression drifting back to her stony, indifferent-looking resting face. She ripped her dress’s halter neck and reached out with her other hand and flicked her wrist. A knife from the kitchen whipped into it. A tail—her tail, which she had previously kept quite discreetly curled around her left leg—curled around one section of the dress while she held the other side with her free hand. As the top of the dress tumbled down, Georgia ripped what of the dress’ back there was with the knife. She tossed the ruined garment to Ethan. [color=#c4807a]“That doesn’t fit well anymore. It’s supposed to go well below the knee, among other things,”[/color] she declared, gesturing towards Ethan with the knife, [color=#c4807a]“But [i]you[/i] can use it.”[/color] She walked to the wall by the bathroom, slitting that same scar on her wrist as she did. Then, she pressed her wrist against the wall and drew a circle of blood on it. Georgia curled her tail around the knife to free up her hands and cauterized the wound. Finally, she ripped her underwear clean off of her hip, held the shredded undergarment to the circle, and incinerated it. [color=#c4807a]“Just burn a shred of that dress in a circle of blood big enough to fit me, and you can summon me. Doesn’t matter where I am,”[/color] she stated, reaching into the rift with both hands. From it, she quickly produced a clump of clothes and a toiletries bag. [color=#c4807a]“I’m gonna take a hot bath and rest up for tomorrow,”[/color] she stated. Look back to Ethan, stark naked, she added, [color=#c4807a]“Do me a favor and don’t try it out ‘till tomorrow. I’m not looking for any midnight callers,”[/color] before slipping into the bathroom and shutting the door without another word. [hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/09/f9/02/09f9025c224fbe7599cbb7f815211587.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250126/46e1be589b1085705070592cd88793ed.png[/img][/center] [hr][i][b]Nova City, Arakana Tower, 30th Floor, the Lagoon Lounge[/b][/i] And [url=https://i.imgur.com/f6CSfqJ.png]this[/url] was the outfit Ethan had selected? Georgia could not help but to deliver a dry, hoarse, mostly sarcastic laugh as she endeavoured to put the thing on. Really, the flair itself was…whatever. Showy? Yes. Very showy. But that wasn’t a surprise. Ethan seemed to have quite the fondness for it. What Georgia couldn’t wrap her head around was the open-skirt getup. The whole thing fit fine, yes, but it felt [i]weird[/i]. The horns on the helmet weren’t heavy, but they definitely shifted the center of gravity for her head. And again, the open-skirt thing. Why? Maybe it made it easier to run with, but at that point, it looked well enough like folded-back wings. Except she couldn’t withdraw the skirt. Georgia found herself pacing around the apartment Ethan had provided, wearing the whole suit, just to try and get used to the strange thing. Finally, checking the time, she realized there was no more time to navigate the thing. If she tripped on the skirt, she tripped. Presuming the heels didn’t just shred it, anyway. But who was to say? Shaking her head, Anathema left the apartment, carefully nudging the skirt this way and that with her tail and tugging at it with her hands to keep it out of the way as she closed the door, and again when she came to the elevator. She was a touch later than most, and resolved to stay in the back as Ethan did his thing. Not that there was much to be said, in fact. The files, after all, had the entire thing laid out. Looking around the room, Georgia spotted Ruby. Ruby…Bordell, it was, if Ethan’s files were at all accurate. She wasn’t a big name. But that could be useful. The Auction needed destroying. Apparently, though, there were people who could not, in fact, be collateral. [i]That[/i] was the inconvenient part. It [i]sounded[/i] like this place was selling people, and that Ethan [i]wanted[/i] those people alive, at least. Targeted deaths were not her specialty. But if Georgia understood correctly, it [i]was[/i] something cleanly within Ruby’s wheelhouse. The little death-canary, if that’s what she was, could do the trick well. With a frustrated grunt, Georgia pulled her helmet off. She summoned a samosa to her hand as she approached Ruby with purpose. [color=#c4807a]“You kill people by singin’, dontcha?”[/color] she commented, [color=#c4807a]“I think you could be helpful for the Auction. I need someone who can be a mite discerning with who they kill. Up for giving the Dragon’s boys a show with me? I’ll bring the pyrotechnics.”[/color] Georgia’s expression, like it so often was, seemed thoroughly indiscernible—landing somewhere between resting bitch face, the expression of a convict on death row, and someone only half-heartedly paying attention in class. [b]Interactions:[/b] [@Chrys]