Ink drips onto the coarse paper, and the metal blade of the pen weaves it into words, symbols, and images. The book's pages turn, and in her mind's eye, she reads from it, unable to tear her eyes away... Alison's eyes opened again, her breathing somewhat calmer, the pain in her stomach lessening. Glancing down at her right hand, the Source crystal glowed, a dark purple radiating softly from the mystical stone. Something had changed, and she felt different than just moments before. Her body was lighter, her arms, stronger, and most importantly of all, the vision again returned to that book. As if the very instructions of that new incantation were inscribed onto her very being, Alison could feel the voice stronger now than ever before. It was time to end this. [hr] Captian Hrond stalked through the warehouse, cursing. The air was thick with Source, practically smothering everything around him. It sickened him and the relish of finally getting this kill was made all the stronger. The thick Source, however, failed to hide his prey as it had in the alley. His Luna state allowed him to cut through the mirage of scents and zero in on her. He could hear her heavy breath, and smell the life blood draining from the wound his claws had created. Yes, there was no escape now. He rounded on the pile of wood and saw his prey. The desperate woman had activated her cloak, and to an untrained pup, she'd probably slip by, but not to Hrond. The cloak shimmered slightly, hunched in the corner. Blood pooled just below it, and its camouflage continued to flicker as heavy breathing came from underneath. He grinned and stalked forward, claws bared. "It was a good chase, prey. It has been many moons since my blood has been raised so high. But your life ends here now. No more tricks, no more traps. You've lost to the overwhelming might of the Luna Clan, of Captain Hrond." Hrond boasted as he came up behind the hunched figure. He grabbed the shoulder and yanked back, ready to take the woman's head, when shock, then anger filled his mind. Before him was a tattered cloak, blood, and the [i]sound[/i] of heavy breathing, but nobody! His ears flicked and whirled as he heard the rushing of footsteps, but again, nothing! "Gah-!" [hr] "Well, it seems I've been volunteered. I just came with a friend to check out the place, and now I'm here." Alison said with a shrug. She let her hands then rest on her hips as she continued. "Miss Shields tells me you with our Guild and have been cooking up some new gadgets that might be useful to us. So what kind of developments are we talking about here?" Titus looked up again from his work, the thin man nodding. "I have been granted access to several resources otherwise outside the guild's... means... but even still, we have little time to capitalize on it." he gestured firstly to a large box sitting on a wooden table, surrounded by what seemed to be pipes capped with cloth and fuses sticking out the back. "We've always struggled with the more armored types in our line of work, I have developed solutions with what little we have and even less time. This is a launcher of sorts. Bolts encased in firepepper pulp mixed in lamp oil with striking-steel shavings. We can make a few of these, use them carefully, and set entire cavalry regiments to flames..." he finished. "And that? The piece you're currently working on?" Alison said, gesturing to his work table. Titus gave a small smile and nodded to her. "Well, Miss Walker, the Guildmaster authorized this for you. Keeping in our problem, I have developed a... novel solution," he said, stepping back to let her take a closer look... [hr] Alison watched as the Captain was distracted by her new ability. She lept down from atop the woodpile and landed behind him. At that moment, she saw it. Something instinctual clicked and it was as if the Source itself guided her swing as she slammed her left fist into the center of the captain's back. As she did so, the cloth unraveled around her arm, revealing a strange machine. With a loud and heavy "whump", a charge was detonated and a steel stake shot forward. It pieced through the wolfman's plate, then his flesh, before causing a dent in the front plate from the sheer impact. The wolfman let out a gurgled cry as, with a click and then a hiss, Alison retracted the steel stake. The wolfman fell to his knees, staring down at the large dent in his armor. His eyes widened as he saw the blood dripping from his mouth. Alison stepped back, pulled another charge from her belt, and loaded it into the gauntlet. The cartridge locked into place as she stepped around the kneeling wolfman to face him. The wolfman began to chuckle before coughing. "You think this is over? We are already in the city, as I die, the Luna Clan is still hun-" Another bang sounded as a stake shot through the wolfman's temple and out the other end. Alison stumbled back a few steps and slid down the side of the warehouse wall, staring at the wolfman's corpse for a moment then looking down at the piledriver on her arm, dripping with blood and brainmatter. Shaking her head, she rose and began slowly making her way back towards the larger fight at the walls. It wasn't over. [hr] "NOW OLAF! GET BACK!" Pete roared as he lept behind the cart. An explosion, followed by several more, ripped through the previously quiet camp. Night became day as the incendiary explosives detonated on the food stores, weapon depots, and even tent rows of the invading army. Debris flew everywhere and Pete yelped as a burning turnip landed on his shoulder. Olaf quickly batted out the flame as Pete cursed profusely. "Ya'd think this undead army wouldn't need so much damn food." Olaf grumbled. "Yous think so... ows the slaves. We got em on the run?" Pete said, brushing the last of the burnt vegetable off him. Olaf nodded. "We got most of em out. Guards got wise. Took casualties, but you'd be amazed watching what recently freed, armed, and cornered slaves can do to an undead soldier. Seen wild dogs with less tenacity. Anyway, once they overwhelmed the rest of the garrison, they scattered. Only a few stayed to help and fight." Olaf said shaking his head. Pete shivered, but his face smiled into a cruel grin. "They likes us. Backed into a corner, nufin we can do but tear em limb from limb. Shame they didn't wanna taste some more, but glad we ave a few." he said. Before he could say anymore, a scout came running up, breathless. "Sirs! They noticed finally. We got half the damn general's guard and Death Riders coming for us! Just heard their horns blow." he finished. Pete nodded and turned to the rest of the gathering raiders. "Right then! Steady lads, wez got ourselves some big game tonight! Barkley, take your squad and get up in the trees on the south side. Lasil, the mines been set? Good. Get your men into whatever tents weren't burned and wait. Olaf, take the sharpshooters to the East side and wait for em death riders tu land. Givem a good ole welcome. As for the rest of yous lot. H'ope you wazn't plannin on survin, cause when them mines go, we go in on the guards. Whoever gets that posh gen's ed gets a free drinks fo life in the afterlife on me! Lets go!" Pete finished, pointing his long, bloody dagger into the sky. The raiders cheered before dashing off to their positions. Mines were set, Titus's Wonderous Box of Flames (trademark pending) was set up, and the ambush was laid. Now all that was left was the trap to be sprung.