The woman espoused her gut feeling. It seemed that she relied on such things heavily. Her eyes were calculating trajectories, spotting flecks of paint, and ordering events keenly. Both eyes, not just the metal one. Vigrid watched her glistening gears turn with ease as he might watch a foe to predict their next move. She was right, it didn't sit well. 'It' being the Skitarii's grasp of what happened here. It was a snake of a thread writhing its head at them, begging them to pull it a little farther. He unfocused his eyes for a moment, considering a wider picture. Maybe, just maybe, even the report he'd been handed as he ascended the tower was itself a play to obfuscate what really happened here. Everything must go. Even the events as they had been relayed to him. Fresh eyes. When she said she could reach out to others who knew more, he nodded. The trash chute. It was plain to the Astartes that the cogitators had been abandoned (or preserved?) by casting them into the trash chute. These glorious machines had been uprooted and cast into the refuse. Two thoughts ran through Vigrid's mind: 1. The assassin could have jettisoned the cogitators as a gambit to walk freely through the same door they entered. This sat well with the Space Marine. This whole mess never felt like a burglary. 2. The cogitators have been placed in a safe place to be collected later: the trash chute. Wherever this chute led, it's possible that the assassin had the intention of recovering them from a safer, and less guarded, location--rather than walk out the door or repel down the tower's exterior. The latter possibility caused Vigrid to grind his teeth. It was a loose end that would need to be accounted for. As he turned back to the room, his organs cried out. This whole scene was replete with myriad loose ends and writhing false leads. He relayed his discovery. "The holy cogitators have been ripped from the Archmagos' console and discarded into this trash chute." The Marine held up a remnant piece as proof of his pronouncement. "I fear," his voice resembled gravel, "the cogitators may have been 'placed' in the garbage to be retrieved from the bowels of the tower. But I am not convinced this isn't a vapor cloud to muddy the trail."