[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230524/91458118b42d1b084bbaf3d9ea357448.png[/img][/center] The recovery was as miraculous as always, magic was truly a wonder, an injury that could take years if not a lifetime to recover (maybe unsalvageable) was gone in a few minutes, it helped that the [i]Lesser Restore[/i] was concentrated in a single limb, yes it wasn't going to restore any of the other wound he could see in her body but at least she was back in fighting order again [s]even if he would rather have her resting and safe[/s]. "If you are going to fight again then be careful, your arm is going to be fine but the healing was focused on your arm so don't expect a sudden recovery" He didn't have another Restore so the next injury would have to be addressed with increased healing. A whorty trade to get Mac back into shape "As for the retreat is going well, I am afraid we may be playing straight into Saladin's hands but there is not much else we can do at the moment" It irked him to say it aloud but if there was someone he could trust with the reality of the situation was the person in front of him. [quote=Mac] [Colour=Pink]"You should be going too, no?"[/colour] [/quote] He gave her a shake of the head. "Maybe but there is still work to be done" He wasn't being dramatic either, the enemies were overwhelming, and retreating all support while leaving the defenders would lead some squads to be overrun. Any dent in their defense could and was already being exploited, to show their injured side without a trap prepared would end in a bloodbath. [quote=Mac] [Colour=Pink]"I can wait no longer. Adieu, mon amie."[/colour] [/quote] "Good Luck!" It felt like too little but for the moment that was the best he could do. Once Mac was out of his field of vision his attention focused back on the walls, the fighting was gruesome and every second his worry for his party members grew, he was still conscious enough to make decisions with a detached head but he feared the longer the battle went the more his affection would cloud his judgment, already he had disregarded everything to heal Mac, leaving other mages to be picked off by enemy forces. The situation was dire. Despite whatever was happening at the enemy camp they were still getting slowly overrun, every one of their fighters was worth five of theirs but for each one Valheim had the enemy had ten. The walls were slowly becoming traps, kllboxes were being turned around and used against the defenders. There was only one true option, for now, it would be costly but it would allow their forces to regroup and it could be what they needed to turn the tide of battle. "Marcus, send the flare, I am ordering a full retreat to the Bazar" His fellow mage complied, using one of the spells carved into his soul to send a Red Flare high in the sky where it exploded into a red explosion with a distinctive sound. A distraction for the enemy and a signal to their allies at the same time. It was time to abandon the walls. But he still had a card he could play. [i][b]"I beseech thee, Mother Iris, thou who are radiant and wise, ruler of the skies and bearer of the sun, Guide us with thy luminous light's gentle sway so that in thy name victory may be attained!"[/b][/i] Again the faith surrounding him gathered but where Undaya's pressure created waves Iris's light was dazzling and warm, light a ray of sunlight peeking through a tree's shadow. Even without being able to see it, he knew that the weapon of every member of his party was alight with Holy Fire.