[h2]Ehlm City, Outside the Central Spectral Woods[/h2][hr]Stalker didn’t seem to care for Savio as he turned to him and started to spit vile towards him, his eyes focused on Val as he twisted into MercyVal. The head of the Mimicraptors shook his head slightly with a loud huff as he readied himself. He was about to move again before the fire suddenly erupted around them. Stalker gave a rumble at the flames before Roose seemed to use her own powers against the leader, he gave a rumble of approval before he moved to kick sand towards the flames to see if it was susceptible to being snuffed out. [b]”Stay close.”[/b] He rumbled to Roose, watching the two men in front of the car through the flames. He noticed the flames wavered at the kick of dust he did, [b]”Roose.”[/b] He growled, nodding towards the ground and motioned to the flames, [b]”Dig.”[/b] He ordered, moving himself slightly lower to the ground and dug deep with a hind leg before kicking dust towards the flames behind them. He didn’t need to get rid of all of it, as long as he and Roose could get [i]out[/i] of the flames. [hr] Wren almost let out a small sigh of annoyance as Val chose war, Ferz gave a bit of a laugh before Wren lifted his arm, his eyes glinting deep green as he did so. The ground around him shifted as Savio’s men started to open fire, a large vine shield twisting out of the ground to block the bullets. Wren knew it wouldn’t hold forever, even with regular bullets it would be shot through; evidently by the whizzing bullets that passed Wren. [i]Alright then.[/i] He thought to himself, [i]Ready?[/i] He asked, [i]No holding back, no anchoring. Proper Wendigo bullshit.[/i] A smile spread across his face as his eyes deepened to a blood red, before the pupil encompassed the iris. Wren was always cautious of letting Ferz take over, always making sure he had a hold on the beast; but now? No, Ferz was able to do his own thing. [color=red][i]Fucking [b]finally[/b][/i][/color] Ferz would normally make the transformation slow as to not injure too much of Wrens’ mentality, but as he was allowed to push the limits today. Wrens’ body twisted, taking a similar form to what everyone had seen back in the collapsing building; but it was much [b]bigger[/b]. Ferz no longer needed the shield of vines that barely covered his hooven feet before he looked towards Savio’s men and let out a bone-chilling roar towards them; moving to slam his fist down to the ground, creating a wave of spikes towards the riflemen, before swinging a fist towards the RPG wielders; making the ground shift under their feet to attempt to knock them off balance before they could shoot. [hr] Ebony and Mimi stayed in the Van as VV and A left, they both held their breath as Ebony seemed to cling to Mimi, hearing the sound of bullets echo around them, some of them hitting the convoy - some piercing, some simply bouncing back. [b]”Ebony.”[/b] Mimi whispered softly, [b]”Trust me?”[/b] They asked, Ebony looked up hesitantly before giving a small nod. Mimi’s eyes glimmered before they seemed to suddenly disappear. Ebony’s form started to shift in the vehicle, moving awkwardly to try and get out in a direction that no one was firing at at that moment. It felt weird, Ebony could feel their bones snap and warp, their skin harden into scales as they twisted into a more mimicraptor form. It was weirdly… Painless? Much less painful than their bonding. Ebonimi slowly stood to their full size, shaking their feathered body as their eyes scanned the area. [i]Where do we go?[/i] Ebony asked, unsure how to really control the body. [b][i]We’re taking down Stalker.[/i][/b] Mimi spoke back, Ebony hesitated. [i]But he’s… With the King? [b]He wants us dead. He won’t keep his word on not harming us. His pride is too much, he’s angry I left.[/b] Right, okay. But there’s flames. [b]Let me lead. Trust me.[/b][/i] Mimi took control of their body, Ebony not resisting in any way before Ebonimi slunk along through the shadows, hidden by their camouflage ability. They continued walking, keeping their body close to the ground as they watched for any hidden men of Savio or Vin; if they tried to run, Ebonimi would take them down in order to help the others while they got closer to their target. Would they have to take down Roose? Roose and Mimi weren’t on the [i]worst[/i] terms, but Roose followed Stalker’s orders, if Stalker told her to kill Mimi - There would likely be no insubordination; but what if Mimi killed Stalker before Roose could kill them?