Kharne's eues drifted to the Redguard womans hand when she offered it to him. His great mitt came up and grasped her forearm, those thick scaled fingers wrapped around the whole forelimb. [color=#B40404]"Good to meet you, Khaliya, Veeza."[/color] He rumbled before glancing to Yashar and Roshanarra, giving the pair of them a simple nod.His voice was deep, almost painfully so, but he had a quiet tone so his voice shouldn't carry well with the rest of the boisterous lot crowding the jail cell. Veeza spoke a word that vaguely triggered a memory, clearly native language from Black Marsh. [color=#B40404] "I don't know the native tongue, I was taken very young."[/color] He replied to Veeza, who was apparently an arena fighter for a place named Kvatch. [color=#B40404]"I'm a mercenary and I was just exploring the city...[/color] He stated before they were all interrupted by heavily armored guards with slender curved swords. Katanas judging by the look, a delicate weapon he didn't care for. Apparently the Emperor has paid them all a visit! Celebrity recognition for brawling, huzzah. But no, in reality they were not supposed to be in this jail cell, but given every cell was packed by the rioters there was no choice but to stuff them all in the sacred cell. Which turned out to have a secret passage for escaping. They were given the option of going up or going below. He thought to himself a moment before slapping his knees and standing up. [color=#B40404]"Off to adventure then. There might be a reward for assisting them."[/color] He mused as he stretched his arms over his head and then leaned back. He had been sitting long enough, and a couple others went into the tunnel in short order. [color=#B40404]"You lot coming into the secret escape route?[/color] He questioned, amused by the fact the tunnel was even there. Without really waiting for an answer he lumbered along into the dark behind the others who went ahead. From what had been said it sounded like it was more hectic up top. He wasn't one to shy away from a fight but he was unarmed, who knew where his stuff was, and most people tended to use actual swords versus a sharpened wedge of steel and punching only worked so well. Tunnel was potentially safer to deal with. Potentially.