[b]Luka[/b], the creature bows his head deeply to you as you hold out the Master Ball. "Well, sir, in that case I thank you, and I will certainly take you up on your offer." Jehoshaphat reaches out to the ball held in Luka's hand; no sooner does his claw contact it [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TxXliGI1L8] than a flash of light envelopes him and he vanishes[/url]. [b]Ashley[/b], your future selves dig through the phone. Searching through its files, unfortunately, seems to be a bust; judging by the paucity of installed apps and the increased font size, Ray seems to be the kind of person who can just about send texts and answer calls on his smartphone, and not much more. (You do find a single non-standard app installed; it's a pinball game that shows about two minutes of uninterruptible ads when launched. Judging by the high scores, he's not very good at it.) The infinite Ashleys texting "Agent Bullshit" have more luck. Though you obviously can't follow all the conversations, you do get a couple pieces of information. First is her name--Field Agent Kofi Bull. Second is her position within the organization--she's a field agent, like Simonsen. In fact, she's his partner--and, in her opinion, his minder as well. You get few details, but you are left with the impression that where Ray's Eidolon is all about destruction, hers is more focused on detection--there are mentions of her trying to get a lock on the creature you encountered in the diner. Another set of infinite Ashleys attempt to call Sevara. Almost all of these encounters go about the same; a quiet, smooth, feminine-sounding voice answers the phone and calmly asks why the hell Ray is calling her. If you remain silent, she repeats herself a couple of times and then hangs up; a text from Agent Bull follows shortly afterwards, asking again where Ray is and why he's prank calling their supervisor. If you talk, she also immediately hangs up, and an icon appears at the top of the phone's display indicating that its GPS has just been activated. It seems that she's no nonsense (and perhaps that she agrees with Agent Bull that Ray needs a minder).