[h1]SO LONG[/h1] [justify]Thus was the heart of the cards. Every component of a deck should work together, so no matter the order they are drawn the deck shall still function; but the right card in the right card can turn a near-loss into an instant victory. Lombardi's presence bent the very spacetime of the arena, creating a brief glimpse of the duel and the victory thereof. The energy erupted from Lombardi's hand, boiling the planet and cause its dusty surface to scar black from the subsequent eruptions. Paltry theatrics before the kilonova obliterated this system. [b]Krü[/b] burning magenta eyes looked up, his long neck twisting to raise his eyes so the rigid apparatus could observe Beramode turn away. [b]"Going so soon? Whatever is so important to you to make you turn away?"[/b] His body heaved, the second and third pair of legs working together to raise his body off of the ground so he no longer sat upon the fabric of fate. A flick of his finger made his played cards and tokens return, deck folding upon itself to disappear to some unknown place. Another gesture caused the scintillating tapestry to furl back and up, rolling the magnificent cloth up to be held by one of [b]Krü[/b]'s middle limbs. [b]"No matter. This was a fun little distraction,"[/b] he said. His eyes narrowed, his M shaped mandibles bending in a way that was almost paradoxical. The expression was ever brief, his mouth and eyes returning to their neutral stance as he brought a hand up once again. A rip formed behind him, and without looking [b]Krü[/b] drifted back and through the tear. His presence long gone, this world left to bask in the ruination of the great beings who had battled here.[/justify] [h1]AND THANKS FOR ALL THE[/h1] [justify][b]Krü[/b]'s presence is rarely lauded. Indeed, even amongst his loyal [b]Cultivators[/b], his presence is regarded with lowered heads and busied schedules. His hooves stood upon a white platform, part of the great inter-universal structure's central system. Roots of the great tree. Looking down upon [b]Krü[/b] was a great sphere. A kaleidoscopic array of eyes within eyes within eyes within eyes, larger than universes. [b]He Who Knows[/b], the first and greatest of the A'Krülni. Its haunting voice pierced through none save [b]Krü[/b], their connection instant as an endless stream of data was processed by the great intelligence. [h3][color=#c71585]THE OUTCOME WAS [ENTIRELY] WITHIN [ACCEPTED] PARAMETERS (OUR [PLANS] PROGRESS AS THEY ALWAYS DO)[/color][/h3] [b]"And the dragon?"[/b] [h3][color=#c71585]UNDONE ([IWKYODT] HAS NEVER MISSED A MARK OF THIS IMPORTANCE) [/color][/h3] [b]"Good, good. Return to your work."[/b] With the connection severe, [b]Krü[/b] stood forth towards the edge of the great platform. Below him worked one of the most glorious yet thankless of jobs: The slaughterers. Their platforms were once white, but stained a variety of colours thanks to the lifeblood that dripped down through grating. Bodies of dissidents and opponents were dragged like livestock, kicking and screaming and cursing until the moment their heads were slammed against the floor and their throats cut. Gurgling corpses were thrown into the pool below, the culmination of countless lives and souls and gods sacrificed to feed into this all-powerful ocean of life energy dubbed [b]Infinitus[/b]. A oil-black ocean of essence that subtly glowed with the rainbow myriad of life that was blended into it. It was into this ocean that [b]Krü[/b] descended, floating downwards until his head was submerged and he sank down into the core. Limbs crossed against his thorax and abdomen, [b]Krü[/b] closed his eyes and let his soul drift from his body once more, devouring the power to slake his insatiable thirst and letting his consciousness expand so he might move the pieces of his eternal war once more.[/justify] [h1]FLESH[/h1]