[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][@AvaP][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pqOJeUk.jpeg[/img][/center] [b][i][u]The Dark Riders:[/u] Hailing from the Dark Elven lands across the sea, these cavalry forces are multi-purpose units that are lightly armoured and, even in large groups, can outrun the fastest horsemen. They can be deployed as scouts, can move ahead of the main army and look to blitz war machines, make precise flanking attacks or act within the main forces as shock troops, usually bolstering the smaller-numbered Lizard Cavalry.[/i][/b] [center]___________________________[/center] The two wedges moved across the plains like the wind. In spite of being the furthest away, the Dark Riders arrived at Saladin’s camp first. One wedge skirted around the camp perimeter while the other rode straight in, an attempt to make visual contact, fight or retreat if necessary. Of the 150 strong wedges that rode straight in, their captain rode with horn held in hand, ready to blow once eyes were put on the enemy. They rushed through the burning tents but there was no sign of anyone. Until they heard the thieves shout… [center]______________________________________________[/center] Saladin watched closely as he and the Fell Knights rode to catch up to the Dark Riders. Men of Rudiger, tough heavy infantry who were closely related to Sibliconian blood and just as nomadic, lagged behind. The General was not picked as one of the Witch Queen’s 5 [i]Antiquinites[/i] for nothing. He was of rare intelligence and shrewd with age. His mind ran through possible scenarios and he felt strongly that this could not be a full-sized army, but he did have a few guesses as to the reality of the situation. But he didn't have time to make an action because a 2nd explosion went off in the camp ahead, this one more powerful than the last. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8UH92NJ.jpeg[/img][/center] He pulled his mount to halt and looked with shock and anger at the size of the explosion and cloud. He did not need to see to know that he had just lost an entire wedge of Dark Riders. “It’s a trap,” he rasped. With quickness and decisiveness, he took out the crystal sphere he'd enchanted with his magical relay and gave out orders to what Dark Riders he had left. He sent a runner to the Beastmasters. And another to the Orc Shaman. Then he dismounted, retrieved his staff and spellbook from the saddle of his horse, then turned to the camp… [center][@AvaP][/center] Olaf and Pete had successfully executed their boss’ plan. Not only had they delayed the assault, but they had also taken out almost a third of Saladin’s cavalry forces. But now they were in trouble. Their choice to wait stick around after drawing attention was valiant, but it would be their undoing. They would quickly find themselves surrounded, enclosed by a circle of well-spaced, fast-moving horsemen who sped around the perimeter of the camp in a Cantabrian Circle of constant movement. In less than two minutes, the wedge would have spread out enough to form the circle, leaving nowhere to run without making contact in fairly open terrain. Upon receiving their orders, the Beastmaster would whisper words to the Crebain, creatures of close relation to crows, who were then released from their cages and flew up into a flock and headed toward the destroyed camp to search out the enemy saboteurs. 20 Orc Shaman would mount hogs and ride to the camp. Saladin had several high level spells prepped in his book and his staff was charged with Source. Within a short space of time, he was able to solo-cast a summon that would have ordinarily taken a small troop of expert wizards to bring about. Grey storm clouds formed out of nowhere in the sky above, then bolts of jagged lightning began striking down on the camp, creating small explosions with each hit and chaining off to anything close with conductivity. It was not over until 25 bolts had stuck. Saladin closed his book and turned about to mount his horse again. “Kruger. Stay and wait for the Men of Rudiger. Wait for the direction of the enemy and move to cut them off.” He got a reply from Kruger, a lieutenant in the Fell Knights, and then added with express importance… “I want at least one of them alive.” [center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][@AvaP][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FpslbPy.jpeg[/img][/center] The gap of pressure on the walls was a small one and James Sirius was sharp to take advantage of it, because it disappeared quickly. And even still, it would be a close call because the walls on the former Right Wing were completely flooded with enemies who had been coming down the stairs in numbers and piling up in the streets. Orcs, goblins, men, elves and dwarves, thirsty for destruction, started setting fire to buildings and pouring through the streets. The temporary checkpoints defending the 2nd half of the Tactical Retreat started to get hit with attacks. At first it was manageable. But then the Bone Legions awoke. Thousands of them. Armored to varying degrees. They moved to the North Gate, the ladders and the siege towers. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/E45oiib.jpeg[/img][/center] Without the immediate reinforcement of the Bone Legion and the Dark Riders, the 50 strong Lizard Cavalry unit was in some trouble. The initial charge was devastating, and the tanky nature of the mounts and their ability to bite back, plus the heavy armoured riders atop them, made them an amazing unit. But numbers were numbers, and their's were few. Now, isolated and immobile, not to mention fighting a unit led by the strongest Paladin in the city, there weren’t many left. They had taken out twice their number but were so few by the time that the Bone Legion were coming in, that The Bats and The Dire Stags would have a chance to retreat with minimal casualties if they were quick. As for all other blocks, they would likely be best finding their way through the mazy small streets of the North-East Quarter, as the main roads were becoming increasingly hostile. Between enemy forces and the defensive blockades, many of the quickest routes to the center of the city were blocked off. Vice Commander Jeremiah was grateful that the order for full retreat had been given finally. He did not realise it was the result of a streak of insubordinate initiative from one of the Heros from Another World. He had taken 200 men from the Bazaar and gone to fortify one of the main checkpoints that would best protect the 2nd Half of the Tactical Retreat. And now he had his hands full. The fighting was tense but just about manageable. 200 men was just enough to beat back the outnumbering invaders on [i]Desalines Lane[/i], a key carriage-way that would protect [i]Beam Street North[/i]. When flames began to rise all over the Quadrant and he got reports that the checkpoints closest to the walls had fallen, he knew things were about to get rough. But he did not realise just how rough, until a group of pyromancers appeared on the rooftops right above their chokepoint. His eyes widened as he saw the fireballs grow in their hands. And then they pointed down on their position....... [center]______________________________________________[/center] The Bone Legion was like a sea. An unstoppable tsunami that would swallow up anything it swept over. With the poise of the city's best defences broken, nothing could stop them in the North East Quarter. Even the best checkpoints could stand for no longer than a couple of minutes, because there were enough of the invaders that they could just take a side street, go around and flank the checkpoint from several sides. The last defence before Citadel Mountain was the Bazaar and all defenders now were making a speedy beeline for that defensive island. Big Bridge: In the north, connecting the North-West and North-East Quarters had been destroyed before the battle had begun. This was an attempt to funnel the enemy to The Bazaar. Of course, not all of Saladin’s forces would be opposed to swimming across the river and shortcutting to Citadel Mountain. There were enough reserve forces on the Mountain to deal with some. But the Bone Legion had come in numbers larger than anyone could possibly imagine. And if one were to look at some of the armour and decor of the skeletons, they would realize why. Many skeleton warriors were garbed in the sigils of [i]Eredge, Dantuin[/i], the merchant city of [i]Jhosiria[/i] and [i]Juda[/i]… [i]Osca[/i] and [i]Perth[/i]. Many of these that had come to exterminate Valhiem were once friends, possibly family. Citizens and soldiers of fellow cities in The Empire of the Free Peoples. Killed and bid to rise again as slaves for the war machine of The Witch Queen. And several thousand crossed the river, their armour heavy enough that they could simply walk along the riverbed and climb out of the other side. The rest of the Bone Legion would reinforce the numberless horde of Saladin’s other forces, as they descended on the Bazaar. [center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Jay009][/center] Anyone who had not made it to the island defensive-point in time, would without doubt be killed.