[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250204/018981e935d22dfbbbcc1199615cbf3f.png[/img][/center] [hr] Bleary eyes creaked open, as pain shot through his system a clutching at his and wincing only delivering a second winded gasp as his ribs were definitely at least cracked. Sildun cracked lips tasted of blood still, the massive Nord trying to get his bearings as he grunted trying to focus, the urge to vomit rising lucky at worst it would be a retching drive heave, still not ideal. With one hand wrapped around his ribs the other on his head. When his eyes finally focused... It was the Emperor and Blades before him, he'd seen a Blade once or twice in passing but... The Emperor... Shor's stones... This was... He fought the ringing in his ears and the blaring noise of his mind to hear the emperor speak. The beaten Nord downing his best to rise to a knee and bow his head, he'd sworn an oath and taken the Emperor's coin. This man, his Emperor... He'd fight and die for him, he was Dragonborn the hope of men, subduer of Mer and rightful ruler of all realms he reminded himself, smiling even if the day had gone poorly a chance to serve the Emperor himself, he'd never had another chance like this. [color=0076a3]"Sildun-" [/color]He wheezed and coughed hard retching a moment, as he tilted his head up. [color=0076a3]"Sildun Oath-blood... Auxilia of the Imperial Legion, honored to serve whereever I can."[/color] He spoke hoarsely, steadying himself as he braced on the wall thankful at least he still had his boots and traveling clothes seems the guards hadn't taken everything from him. As he braced on the wall his hands ignited with soft light doing his best to summon forth restoration magic starting on his head, fighting the urge to retch as focused his will on trying to tamp down the pain and repair some damage. [color=0076a3]"Where the Emperor goes I'll defend... I swore an Oath, A Nord's word is his life. No honor awaits me if abandon you now my Emperor."[/color] His breath began to steady a bit as shifted his hand to his ribs next, wincing in pain. Barely managing to stand now under his own power he fought to rise to his full height where he once lay thrown into a corner leaned against a wall. The big looking down at the blades. [color=0076a3]"Whatever I can give is yours Captain, even injured my duty is to Emperor. I took his coin."[/color] Sildun spoke slowly looking over the crowd in the cell, he was certainly not the largest here but far from the smallest, the beating he'd taken during from guards certainly came from a fear he'd be hard to subdue it seemed.