That's a lot more dangerous then what she'd been doing before---! I can't just directly approach her like this, and the zombie is still in the way. There's too much pen space, too, and I don't have a bow or the kind of magic that I can use to swiftly counter her. So how--- ... That's right. The zombie is in the way. I step back swiftly, sucking in a breath of the putrid air as I wrench the blade from its spot buried in the zombie's arm. I don't have any solid defenses of my own. But I have a shield right here. My legs tense and I throw myself forward, thrusting the tip of the sword solidly into the chest of the zombie. I'll put all of my weight behind it! I might not be as heavy as the undead, but I've got a lot more control over my movements! I'll use her own undead as a barrier against her magic so I can reach her!