[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] The Moonlit Queen proved to be quite easily offended, cursing Fionn and Gerard by turning their hair luminous. Fortunately Fleuri's etiquette proved sufficient to not invoke any retaliation beyond a blunt expression of ignorance of him. While some might perceive it as an insult, Fleuri could concede it was a not-unreasonable reply for an otherwise unreasonable fae who spent most of her time within her private little world. What Fleuri was not prepared for was where the Moonlit Queen's line of thought would lead. It was clear that they'd have to wager for it, and she seemed to have recognized their skill and experience in combat, but he did not anticipate the queen announcing that they'd be facing the Midnight Hunt. He had heard the stories of the Midnight Hunt. It was an evil tradition by evil beings that saw all others as nothing more than prey to be hunted. In his eyes, the mere notion of a Midnight Hunt being held within Thaln's borders ought to prompt as strong of a response as when Anzel Cazt rose up against the crown in rebellion. This time, however, they'd be forced to face foes that could fight back. The odds were lofty for sure, however. It was not enough to survive, if they wished to win the wager they would have to [i]defeat[/i] them. From what Fleuri had heard of the tales, the hunters would keep coming endlessly until the night ended. Even so, Fleuri knew all too well that you didn't necessarily need to kill an enemy to subdue and defeat them. Fleuri couldn't help but wonder if this was the challenge that Merilia foresaw the Roses facing, and the reason that she helped to strengthen them. Facing a legendary figure like Rozenalt would be a monumental challenge in and of itself, but they had Tyaethe on their side, and from the look of her manic grin, this was a rematch she had been waiting for. The Moonlit Queen's terms were not negotiable and very lofty- if they lost, Fanilly and the Roses would belong to her. This wasn't up for debate- but it sounded like [i]her[/i] wager was. He wondered- just what would the Moonlit Queen be willing to put up to match the bet that she demanded of the knights? Could they gain boons from her? Or, perhaps they could compel the Unseelie queen to release some unjustly stolen souls. Fleuri said nothing at this time, but looked to Fanilly to see what her reaction would be.