[Hider=Amelia Schön] [color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Amelia Schön [color=f7941d]Callsign/Nickname:[/color] Sparrow [color=f7941d]Age:[/color] 26 [color=f7941d]Gender:[/color] Female [color=f7941d]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Amelia][img]https://i.imgur.com/Kd678fi.png[/img][/hider] Amelia has long straight black hair, it falls to shoulder length draping over her shoulders and quite far down her back, she mostly has hers freely down. Amelia stands roughly at 5 feet 7 inches with a figure of 32-23-33. She has small cheeks, a medium size nose, small hands with delicate average size lips, Amelia has easy to get lost into eyes, they're a faint green-grey colour that seem to speak without words. While they can glimmer with kindness, they say eyes are the windows to your soul, and they only reflect such and a tanned skin complexion. Her everyday appearance with clothing is could be classed predominantly goth like with a dash of playful femininity. Amelia loves arm sleeves, often liking the variety. Despite her habits of eating anything she fancies and with a love for alcohol, Amelia does have a slim feminine build due to her being an active individual, She’s toned to the point of lightly muscled but has some slight curves from her Cardio and light weight lift exercises. [color=f7941d]Nationality:[/color] German [color=f7941d]Personality:[/color] Despite Amelia being reluctant to trust new people she has just met, often being shy and initially reserved, she is a very outgoing person who can be a little careless which can get her into or causing trouble, although never intentionally. Amelia is extremely Spirited, Quick-witted and playfully sarcastic. Despite not always acting like it, Amelia can be an intelligent and mature young woman but seems to still holds onto an unquenchable thirst for fun; Amelia has shown a lot of courage and is always ready to help her friends, quite the vicious little thing whenever she is pushed far enough, which can probably be seen as cute by some. Amelia, above all else is a survivor. She is resilient, resourceful, and smart, she proves herself time and time again to be not only beautiful, but also have a strong fiery spirit, unbridled will-power and passionate independent streak helping the young woman to rarely ever hesitate whenever it comes to standing up for someone or something she believes in, her courage and wits make her an asset to anyone that befriends her. Amelia always manages to find something in which to occupy her time, she is extremely outgoing and enjoys heading out with friends or listening to music, to relaxing by herself for some ‘me’ time or hiding of to go for a sneaky drink. Amelia is Extremely relaxed and seemingly bursting with life, she is just fun to generally have around and does all that she can to live her life to the fullest and to the best of her ability despite her occasional loneliness. [color=f7941d]History:[/color] Born in 1988 in soviet occupied east Germany under the Warsaw pact, Amelia never knew of her original parents being left on the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. They of course took her in and helped to raise her. At a young age, she was put into a foster care system in an attempt to curb her behaviour because she unintentionally was getting into trouble at schools. It was not like she was getting trouble on purpose, but her playful, random and careless behaviour made it easier for other kids to blame the girl for things weather she did them or not, Amelia just had this unquenchable thirst for fun and adventure. Over the years Amelia had been in and out of multiple foster homes, often because she was too much of a pain to handle, or she ran away, which more often than not is what she did, often getting caught for drinking and being 'A collector of rare wallets' as she would put it. it was not until one day, the young teen came across a homeless man, he never asked for anything, but one act of kindness would create in the long run an unshakable bond. Amelia would end up getting a hot meal for herself and the man with what scraps of money she had, she would offer him the food and would sit with him, eating with the man, talking to him, she would do this every few days, through their conversations the man realized Amelia was on the streets herself, a runaway, while she learned the man was once a shop owner but was forced to shut down by soviet soldiers. over time, the man accepted her she nicknaming him [i]'Wiseman'[/i] and her getting the nickname [i]'little Sparrow'[/i] the reason for what would be her call sign later in life. Using what scraps, they could get, using it to help teach her useful things, it was not exactly full blown school education but it helped, he often made sure she was fed before himself etc... but she would insist on sharing, in a way her act of kindness to a stranger probably saved her life being out on the streets. And then the heavenfall event happened, literally tore the world as everyone knew it a new one, the death and destruction was insane, it changed the world dynamics. But closer to home it brought a lot of changes, the fall of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany, as it unified to an effort to rebuild and survive. For Amelia, well in all honesty the teen was injured, bloody, battered and confused, she eventually came across a man, unbeknownst to her, he was from the German air force and rescued her. His name, Gunther Wolfman, they would go on to form a father/daughter relationship. The Bundeswehr along with the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and (BBK) was doing everything but stretched massively in the relief efforts. The guy that rescued her, ended up taking Amelia to an air force base he was serving, this was where her interest in aircraft came from. A year later once she was of military age, she decided to join the Bundeswehr with the aim to join the Luftwaffe. After all her training, Amelia successfully joined the Luftwaffe and become very familiar with the Eurofighter Typhoon. She would often have to perform patrols and interceptions as PMC's started popping up, it wasn't long until she saw combat. Eventually when time permitted, Amelia went on a search to find the [i]'Wiseman'[/i] it took a lot of time and effort, but she eventually learned he survived and found him. it was a tearful encounter, tears of joy of course as the man came to learn that Amelia had survived and made something of her life. She offered to take the man into her home, it was nothing fancy a small one bad place, but it was far better than the streets, he stayed in the front room, and managed to get himself cleaned up and sorted, he has since found work, working for the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). Both were busy but stayed in contact where possible. When Germany joined the N/UN as part of the rebuild efforts and working with allies again, Amelia stayed loyal to the Luftwaffe, with no interest in becoming a pilot for hire or mercenary for a PMC and despite her being a pain in the ass, she still performed her duties. Now though, Amelia is being sent to shattered steel, a N/UN PMC. They say it's because of her skillset, which is true, but part of her felt it was also a chance to get the playfully sarcastic troublemaker pilot out of their hands and take her mostly harmless pranks elsewhere, it was rumoured it could of been a request from her 'Father', either way, she ended up being ordered there, to represent increasing efforts of her nations support in these troubling times. [color=f7941d]Personal Gear:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/kN0kNgm.jpg]HK USP Compact Tactical .45 ACP[/url] equipped with a SureFire flashlight and suppressor height sight. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/3RGlSqN.jpg]Heckler & Koch MP7A1”[/url] with folding front grip, weapon sling, and an Aimpoint Micro T2, tactical flashlight, laser aiming module (LAM) and supressor. [*]KM2000 Combat knife, GAK 4 Multi-Tool pocket Knife. [*]Personal picture of her former squadron, an older picture of her and gunther together, smartphone, bluetooth wireless portable speaker, Pen and Paper. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/JDO8RLg.jpg]Alchemy Gothic - Dragoncross necklace.[/url] [*]Various types of Poi dancing equipment. [/list] [color=f7941d]Personal Aircraft:[/color] Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 4+/5. [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurofighter_Typhoon#[/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/u7nSYsU.jpg[/img] [color=f7941d]Aircraft modifications:[/color] [list] [*] All suggested modifications/upgrades in the linked article above the picture [*] N/UN updated to be able to carry new munitions, remote carrier UAVs such as the prototype RCM2, and electronic warfare payloads [*] Thrust Vectorial Nozzles and improved engine. [*][url=https://i.imgur.com/11t1DQD.png]Lightning style[/url] Sparrow's paint scheme. [/list] [color=f7941d]Anything Else:[/color] [color=f7941d]Character Quote:[/color] "If someone breaks your heart, Just punch them in the face... Then go get some ice cream" [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrcXwukYl6Y[/url] Freaking love this song. The 'Wisemans' real name is Alexander Schäfer. [color=f7941d]Hobbies:[/color] Amelia does not really have a massive set of hobbies, the one or two main hobbies she does have is various types of Poi dancing which helps being ambidextrous, it is something she has done for quite a while now and does it whenever she can or is in the mood for it, and the other is collecting candles, especially scented ones both of which help keep her mind of things and even relax. Generally, she likes to listen to music and even singing. She enjoys keeping people on their toes but also disappearing off where she can happily get lost for hours or find a spot to relax and have alone time. She has a knack for wondering off, for her it is a good escape from the harsh realities since heavenfall.[/hider]