[@Lugubrious] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/lgmWw/OGE2YmYyODAzZjI5NDNkMWI5OGUxY2ViMDMzYjFjMGMudHRm/SGFycnkgRHVib2lz/super-funky.png?r=fs&h=63&w=1000&fg=9628CD&bg=F0ECEC&tb=1&s=63 [/img] [b][center]Word Count: 447 Level: Lv: 6 EXP: (3/60) Location: Dead Zone Hinterlands - Martira, Old Castle Town [/center][/b] Harry was listening to Bardon’s answer with some intensity. His hand was placed on his dimpled chin, rubbing it. He was taking in what clues Bardon was giving him. He wondered how the kids were being kidnapped even though they were secured behind the wall. However, perhaps Heismay had breached the wall somehow to sneak inside. “Could there be a hole or breach in the wall where Heismay could sneak into the city?” He asked as the young knight came back with his request. “[color=662d91]Ask him about his ears.[/color]” Inquired Suggestion. “Also, why do you have pointy ears? Are you some sort of cosplayer?” Harry asked. Although it wasn't what he requested, it would do for now. He took the items and placed the notebook and quill on a nearby table. Quickly jotting down what Bardon had said about the investigation. “[color=fff200]But it looks like you're not quick enough; your handwriting is just chicken scratch. How the hell are you supposed to read this?[/color]” Hand/Eye Coordination said, sounding confused while trying to read Harry’s handwriting. “Thank you for helping with the investigation. I will speak to Morris and see what he knows,” Harry said, putting away the notebook, quill, and inkwell in his plastic bag. The thought of getting some alcohol at the Friendly Arm sounded quite interesting. “[color=ed1c24]A good drink or two would loosen you up a little, and help lubricate your mind.[/color]” Electro-Chemistry said while Harry made his way out of the guard’s barracks. Harry kept an eye on everyone in the plaza, wondering if he should question them. However, questioning everyone couldn’t hurt. Someone might know something. But perhaps he could ask them after he spoke to Morris. Walking to the Friendly Arm but not before giving the red haired woman a wink and a smile. He stopped momentarily to search the garbage for money or anything he could sell for cash. Whatever he could find, he would either put in his plastic bag or stuff into his pockets. At the Friendly Arm, he made his way toward the bartender. “Hello, barkeep, my name is Detective Harry Dubois. I am investigating the missing children, and I am looking for Morris. Do you know where he is?” He leaned on the bar table. “And what is your cheapest drink?” He added, feeling his hands starting to shake. “[color=ed1c24]You do have that bottle in your coat pocket. See if there’s any liquor.[/color]” Electro-Chemistry suggested that Harry fish for the wine bottle. Pulling out the bottle and being disappointed there was a little bit inside. Harry opened the top and downed the pitiful morsel inside the bottle. Putting the cap back on before placing it inside his jacket pocket.