Fire. Violence. Death. After being chained up inside of Val for so long, denied again and again his right to feed and only able to take his frustrations out on the man that had become his partner, Mercy reveled in the sweet release as Val's spirit now encouraged their merged form to do what Mercy did best. Fuck. Everything. Up. The Abyssal Energy rounds bit into his armored plates, interrupting his sweet savoring of the moment. The Wendigo he recognized from their first encounter surging to a size similar to his own. He could sense the Wild's primal savagery, a match for his own. Perhaps another day one of them might devour the other. For now, they had some very foolish men to kill. Savio's flames licked all around the man as he seemed to battle imaginary foes scattered throughout. Mercyval could barely feel his heat, like an irritating gust of wind as long as he couldn't concentrate it on him. That was fine. If the riflemen wanted to die first, then who was he to tell them no? Mercyval's eyes flashed purple, Val's influence guiding him away from the charge that would have put him in the way of the Wendigo's attacks and towards a different possibility. He stood up on his hind legs, getting as tall as he possibly could. He was presenting himself as a target, his form tempting them with the easy shots even if they had little prayer of damaging the armored plates without Abyssal Energy. Moving his hands together, he used his own claws to slice open on of his palms, molten blood beginning to pool and bubble. Laughing through the pain, Mercyval reached out and swatted the corner off of part of the towers hard enough to send chunks of concrete, glass, and molten blood scattering among the forces arrayed behind the convoy. His other three limbs dropped into place strategically around the convoy, shielding as many vehicles as possible with his own body as he spat out another insult towards Savio. [color=662d91]"Teacht ar tine eitilt, nó beidh mé agat chun Déan dhéanamh glan mo iníon le... Vinny,"[/color] Mercyval rumbled, his head turning slowly towards where Vin and his bears were fighting.