[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vCOad5d.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/e9VoB/MGI1NjQ0Y2U4MzYxNDhkMmIxNTI0YzJkMmVkZWUwOGMub3Rm/Q2lhcmEgVmVudHVyYQ/handwriting-signature.png?r=fs&h=138&w=2813&fg=FFFFFF&bg=000000&tb=1&s=49[/img] [/center] [hr][i][color=gray]Inside the Carriage, Outside Wingram[/color][/i] [sub][@Nanaya][/sub][hr] Ciara nodded along, pointedly ignoring how Professor Alto sat close by, his hand never leaving his sword. [I]Was she really that much of a threat?[/i] Well, he had boarded the girls carriage instead of the boys. So, he must have been here for the sole purpose of killing her if she acted out, or if she tried strangling Chloe, or something hellish and illogical like that. Ciara let that go with a thought - she’d get to it in a second. Instead, as Iraleth, everyone else and the mannekins took their seats, and the carriage rolled away, she digested the information Professor Alto gave her. The man didn't have to, but perhaps, despite all this, he was still a teacher at heart. [b]”The Star Court.”[/b] She mumbled, more to herself. So the top brass would be dealing with her. Not only that, but the top religious leaders as well. That… well, it sent a shiver down her spine, despite her trying to be clinical about this. She had no relation with this Astra, never cared for it. But everyone knew the story. That darkness had fallen to Astra. She supposed it would be up to the court to decide if her darkness and [I]that[/i] darkness were the same. Even she didn't know. Even stranger, considering praying to this ‘Astra’. She always had her Voices, them and the One Deep Below Those, who guided her when she needed it. Yes, sometimes the Voices guided her to suffering. But the One Below said it would keep her safe while she recovered. And somehow, in the clinic, she wasn't harmed. She didn't need Astra. That much was evident. If it was really possible for these priests to consult Astra, what would Astra say…? Ciara made a face - her thoughts were spiralling again. Instead, she glanced up at Professor Alto, slowly removing her bag and placing it in her lap to subtly cuddle it. [b]”If you do end up killing me before we get there… Don’t let me see it. I'd rather be entirely surprised.”[/b] She said softly.