"Easy enough way to get them someplace to filch later." Ramona nodded as Vigrid made his statement, options running through her mind. Could be the cogitators were important, could be they were kruft meant to throw anyone snooping off the trail. Unfortunately, it was impossible to know without seeing what secrets Toros had ferreted away into them. "If they haven't already made their way to the incinerators, anyway." As she assessed the room, and the ivory tower it had been carved out of like a rotted spot in a tooth, she quickly discarded the idea of some secret exit the killer had somehow know about. There was little enough room for the chamber itself, any other space would be taken up with ventilation, power cables, and air scrubbers for the most part. So that left the window, or the hall, and one seemed much more of a death sentence than the other. She was sure-- mostly, anyway-- that a fall that far would kill even an Astartes. Mostly. "... What do you make of this?" Ramona tilted her head at the neat pile of bolter fragments the servo-skull had gathered, assembled as closely as it could manage into what it had looked like before its potential for violence had been realized. "Why blue?"