Iliskra’s response was immediate, “Well then, I say you send your bat friend to look the place over. We can decide on how to get inside after. Fingers crossed of course that your winged lackey can prove a better spy than Willory here.” The halfling seemed insulted by this but agreed with Iliskra as did Firoz. The four made sure that no guards or anyone else was near and then Leon began his incantation to summon forth the bat. The spell was quick and in just a few moments after there fluttered a shadowy black bat before them. Leon directed the creature to the house while Iliskra, Firoz, and Willory kept an eye out for anyone that might encroach upon their hiding spot as the winged agent soared in toward the mansion. Iliskra watched as the bat flew in to the nearest window, clinging upside down to the upper seal and pressing its tiny form against the glass. It lingered for several moments before fluttering free and moving on to the next window, and then the next, and so on. As the bat rounded the house Iliskra refocused on the guards. They seemed to maintain their pattern and there had been no change of shifts - yet. Iliskra guessed there were at least four or five more guards on the inside of the mansion. A handful of servants as well without a doubt. It was possible for the four of them to be in and out of the mansion without tipping off anyone, but it would be a challenge to say the least. Iliskra also thought of the possibility of there being more magical obstacles inside, nevermind whatever this large thing was that Willory had glimpsed. [i]One problem at a time.[/i] Iliskra thought sighing softly. Before too long the bat returned, flapping its’ way back against the biting wind and the snowflakes straight to Leon. The bat relayed quite a bit of helpful information to its master. The first being that the large “thing” that occupied the mansion was an iron golem, Iliskra wincing as Leon shared the information. The bat however had noticed that the golem seemed to patrol in an unchanging routine; going clockwise throughout the first floor, looking over each room before moving on continuing it’s endless cycle. The bat had seen only two servants on the first floor, a maid and a cook. The second floor was tended by a single servant as well with one heavily armored and armed guard patrolling the hallways. Iliskra presumed that there were other guards but they were sleeping somewhere inside the house. The bat had also flown up to the third floor windows but could see nothing as the windows were too high up from the floor. “If we were too pick just the right moment to go inside we could just walk in through the front door,” Willory suggested after Leon had finished “convening” with the bat, “so long as we mind the guards outside and the servants inside.” “I say we climb up to the second floor and go in through a window.” Firoz said with a cross of his arms.