[color=6644ff]"This realm we walk [i]is[/i] the space between. The Veil separates all worlds, and we live in the afterthought of it."[/color] Like a row of prison cells, where the bars were what separated prisoners from one another. Jack and Annika walked the hallways between. [color=6644ff]"I have never met another like us who can [i]naturally[/i] find their way here. Most do not know this place exists, but many step across the Veil. And many who do so would have few difficulties invading."[/color] Jack pressed his hands together and pulled them away slowly. The dark ground shimmered into a kaleidoscope of images resembling the worlds he'd been to. [color=6644ff]"Those with a soul displaced from their body, those for which death means nothing. Those who multiply when they die..."[/color] He wondered if Annika remembered [i]that.[/i] [color=6644ff]"Despite the difficulties in reaching the Everdark, it is not impossible, and is all but a guarantee in a world of infinite potential. The chance may be low, or high, but never nonexistent that someone will invade this realm. I am not the first to come here, you will not be the last."[/color] [color=6644ff]"And so, you must learn when to retreat to here, and when to retreat elsewhere."[/color] Jack swung a hand out before him, causing a rift to open once more. [color=6644ff]"You are going to open as many doorways into as many [i]different[/i] universes as you can, in rapid succession. Starting when you walk through that doorway."[/color]