[color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Media Before Monaco[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic?feature=shared] Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe[/url][/b] [hr] [color=ed1c24]“This is Baetriz Caetana with the EU Observer. We have a Formula AG exclusive. There is a rumor going around the paddock that Paul Mulder from Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is dating Han Hyeon-Ae from Team Zygon. The two have been seen in public a few times now. Is love in the air for these two pilots? They were seen together at a Cafe in Tokyo after the race.[/color] (The screen moves from the talking face to a picture of Paul and Han at the Cat Cafe in Tokyo. Paul is leaning forward. There is nothing too suggestive about the picture. They are clearly framed in the photo sitting across from each other. The reporter continues to speak as the picture remains on the screen.) [color=ed1c24]They were seen together at a mini golf park in Portugal the day after the race.[/color] (The picture appears on screen of Paul laughing as Han has a serious look on her face as she is lining up a shot with a putter in her hand. Cassie is not in the image. The screen shifts to an image of them sitting at a table having lunch. Paul is leaning towards Han. Han has her face turned towards him and her lips are slightly parted. Again there is nothing overt in the picture to suggest anything personal. Again Cassie is not in the picture, yet she was there and sitting at the table.The screen cuts back to the reporter.) [color=ed1c24]Is this the start of something romantic? A friendship? Be sure to follow the EU Observer as we follow what could be Formula AG’s new power couple.” [/color] [hr] [color=ed1c24]“This is Lilly Stryker from TMZ. We come to you today with some hot rumors flying around the Formula AG Paddock. Paul Mulder of Team Valkyrie has been spotted in public more than once with Team Zygon’s Han Hyeon’Ae. Rumors are flying around that the two are seeing each other. Is there romance in the air for Mr. Charming and Formula AG’s Ice Queen? The EU Observer shared photos that they had acquired of the couple in public. TMZ has verified that the photos are undoctored. Furthermore we have acquired our own photos to share. Take a look.”[/color] (The screen shifts to a picture of the group of pilots hanging out together at the BioCHO sponsorship event. Paul is smiling and looking at Han in the picture. They are surrounded by other pilots and nothing is very suggestive about the photo other than the smile on Paul’s face. The screen shifts to a picture of Paul talking to Han at the party that she hosted in Tokyo after the race. Paul is leaning towards Han in the picture and standing close to her. There are other people in the background and Cassie is off to the side in the shot. Paul’s head is lowered blocking her face partially from the angle the shot was taken at. The screen shifts again to a picture of Paul with his hand on Han’s back guiding her out of the restaurant in Portugal. This time you see Cassie in the shot as Paul holds the door open with his other hand. You see Cassie with her face turned saying something to the two behind her. Han is moving past Paul out the door and their bodies look as if they are brushing past one another. Han has a slight smile on her face. Again the photos are totally innocent but could be misconstrued to mean anything.) [color=ed1c24]“While we couldn’t find any juicy photos, we can confirm that the two seem to be seeing alot of each other. TMZ has not had any responses back from Team Valkyrie or Team Zygon. We are still waiting for the two pilots in question to deny or confirm these rumors. Be sure to follow TMZ as we keep you informed of developments. This has been Lily Stryker with TMZ.”[/color] [hr] [color=ed1c24]“This is Lauri Ivan with Victory Laps Racing News. The internet is flying with rumors that Paul Mulder of Team Valkyrie is dating Han Hyeon’Ae of Team Zygon! Photos have been shared that show the two together in public in multiple places. Can the rumors be true? There have been no comments from either pilot or their teams about the rumors. Remember to follow Victory Laps Racing News as we try to get to the truth of these rumors.” [/color] (links to the photos on the EU Observer and TMZ) [hr] [color=ed1c24]"This is Hans Keller with Gossip. We have some hot gossip for you today from the Formula AG Racing World. There are rumors flying around that Paul Mulder of Team Valkyrie has been seen in public with Team Zygon’s Han Hyeon’Ae. The rumors are that they are romantically involved. The pictures are suggestive but don’t show anything definitive. Some of the pictures are clearly sponsored and Formula AG related events. So one might discount these rumors but there are also pictures of them eating together and playing mini golf in Portugal the day after the Portugal GP. Gossip has acquired a few pictures to share of the couple together. Take a look.[/color] (The screen shifts to a picture of Paul and Han sitting across from each other talking at the Cat Cafe. Both of them are petting a cat. The screen shifts again to the BioCHO event where Paul and Han both have a drink in their hand and are seen with fellow pilots. The screen shifts again showing Paul and Han eating lunch at the restaurant at the Mini Golf place in Portugal. Han is laughing and looking at Paul. Paul is smiling and looking at Han. Cassie is not seen in this photo.) [color=ed1c24]The two have definitely been spending time together as we can see from these photos. They seem at least friendly. Remember to follow Gossip as we keep you informed of where this Gossip is going. This has been Hans Keller with Gossip.” [/color] [hr] [b][color=00aeef]Welcome to The Paddock, our popular Formula AG Racing Forum! All Formula AG Fans are welcome to discuss all things Formula AG! This channel is moderated and all participants need to adhere to the Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. This online channel is a place to discuss the thing we are all passionate about Formula AG Racing![/color][/b] [color=fff200]Moderators will flag and censor anyone breaking the community guidelines.[/color] A quick reminder of the most important rules: Be respectful, no attacking other members. Share relevant content only. NO spam or vandalizing the forum. Respect other members' privacy and guard your own. [b]DO NOT USE language that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, offensive, demeaning, derogatory, disparaging, or abusive, or post links to content that contains any of this language. [/b] [color=fff200]KingKofiFan:[/color] I could care less. At least she is not stalking Kofi. [color=fff200]$erwa: [/color] I don’t care about Zygon or Valkyrie. Why should we care about them dating? Not that I think they are. [color=fff200]Jan2084:[/color] I don’t believe this. Fake News! [color=fff200]Bertha:[/color] Mulder deserves the Ice Queen! [color=fff200]NoraRules:[/color] Could care less about this. I just want to hear that Nora is recovering and when her next race will be. [color=fff200]BadBrad:[/color] @NoraRules I agree I would much rather hear about that. [color=fff200]ApexSuperFan:[/color] No wonder neither of them can win. They are too distracted with each other! [color=fff200]AGInthusiast:[/color] I will believe it when I see a picture of them kissing in public. #FakeNEWS [color=fff200]TeamCondorSF:[/color] I would rather hear how Ava is doing and how she is preparing for Monaco. [color=fff200]Susie:[/color] Ewww! I think Mulder could do better. [color=fff200]Abdullah:[/color] ROFL have you seen what the bots did to Kais. It is much more entertaining than these rumors. Better eye candy too! (link to the Kais romance bots with photoshopped images of him shirtless.) [color=fff200]Bertha:[/color] Thanks for sharing that Abdullah! Hubba Hubba! [color=fff200]Roberto:[/color] Han is a spoiled brat. Astrid should not have been sanctioned for telling the Ice Queen how she caused that accident. [color=fff200]Merica1:[/color] I have to agree with Susie I think Mulder could do better. [color=fff200]Zygonista:[/color] You have that wrong… All hail Zygon Queen Han Hyeon’Ae! She can do better than Mulder! [color=fff200]BadBrad:[/color] Who would want to date the Ice Queen? [color=fff200]ValkyrieFan56:[/color] (crying face emoji) Paul No! You can do so much better! [color=fff200]SuperfanAGR54:[/color] It looks like Paul is trying to follow in Dorian’s footsteps after all. #AGPlayboy [color=fff200]BeaLover:[/color] I have no skin in this game. Can’t wait to see what Bea posts next. Wonder what she thinks of this rumor? [h2][color=fff200]Pilot’s Group Chat[/color][/h2] [color=fff200]Paul:[/color] @Han I am so sorry. I have no words. [color=fff200]Paul:[/color] @Kais Nice abs! [color=fff200]Paul:[/color] @Nora & @Ava your welcome for distracting the press from bothering while you recover. [hr] [hider= Team Valkyrie Characters] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrLx5XUgYiVm6KjTpFTWZtJvXc0MX77enkLzINHujKw/edit?gid=0#gid=0 [/hider]