[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] As soon as the bright light roared across the skies, the red light symbolised all units to retreat further back into the city. [color=green][i]Time to retreat.[/i][/color] [color=green]“Bats, time to retreat to the Bazaar”.[/color] Barracker bellowed across the battlefield towards his group. [color=green]“Keep close to each other and remain in unison with the Dire Stags upon retreat.”[/color] In the chaos of battle, Barracker had fought his way into the midst of the enemy, while The Bats were pushed back, creating a twenty metre gap between captain and his fellow comrades. Once the pressure relieved enough, creating breathing room to think without being attacked by the enemy, Barracker started his retreat. With little magic in the tank, his magic barriers depleted of use and just one stoneskin remaining, he would have to use it wisely. As The Bats disengaged and retreated away, Warren stepped up and put himself forward to help The Bats depart from battle safely, while Barracker let himself stick around to stop the last of the lizard cavalry. Barracker fought on, this was until a hoard of orc, goblins, humans and elves got into the fray and started fighting. The number was too great so Barracker was forced to retreat and hoped this was enough time given for The Bats. [color=green][i]I hope I have brought them enough time. [/i][/color] To stay behind and protect his comrades so they can retreat… This was something Barracker was always willing to do. Even if it would lead to his downfall he would have considered it an honour to be that sacrifice. Protection is what it meant to be a Paladin and sacrifice is what it meant to be to serve Hades. Even that fateful day on the Plains, when he met that damned soul Viktor and was forcibly turned into a vampire, if he had to do it all over again, he would have stayed behind to let his comrades retreat every single time. Viktor Battousi was in his mind's eye smiling with that playful menacing grin, causing Barracker great anger as the Paladin fought to stop himself from being surrounded and cleanly break away from the increasing number of enemies. His claymore crowned with the holy flames of James’ blessing, sweeped left and right as he tried to clear a path through all of the enemies which now included the endless sea of skeletons. No matter which way he turned, for every enemy he took down, two more popped up to take their place. Barracker slowly ran out of options but saw a life line, he bolted towards the window of the building, diving through, using his tower shield as protection from the smashing glass. The flood of enemies gave chase and began trying to crawl through the window and smash down the door. Barracker quickly ran over to the door. The bar on the door snapped in half as the orc soldiers battered it down from the outside. There was no time for anything else except to replace the broken bar with his tower shield. Barracker then ran up the stairs and climbed out of a window to gain access to the roof. He then proceeded to skip from rooftop to the next roof, his eyes flicking from where he would be jumping next, to the swarm of chaos down below, engulfing the streets. Warren had made his retreat to the Bazaar with as few casualties as possible, due to their speediness, the help of the Dire Stags and the initial protection of their backs by their captain Barracker. Once the Bazaar was in view, Warren sent The Bats the last one hundred metres alone and joined the nearby checkpoint to help keep the way clear for the rest of the defenders. Sometime later after a few blocks had passed the checkpoint, Warren saw Barracker running towards them with several arrows sticking out of him. “Captain!”