[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zvh6Fp8.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Arakana Tower, 30th Floor, the Lagoon Lounge[/color][/h3] [@enmuni], [@Chrys] [hr] Ethan watched Ruby struggle with herself. Poor thing was incredibly shy. Lucky for her, though, the Arakana Tower was welcoming to all! Georgia was dressed up for the occasion, and [i]my[/i] the suit he had custom-made for her looked rather [i]stellar[/i], if he was being quite frank. Georgia pegged Ruby correctly, but Ethan had to give a little smirk - Ruby was one of those who didn't speak unless it was a deathly time. So, as Georgia started planning with Ruby, be began fixing up two plates. Samosas, fries, and other treats were piled on their plates as Ethan offered one to Georgia, and one to Ruby. Then, with his hands free again, he pulled out a small notebook and a pen from his pocket, holding them out to Ruby with a grin. [b][color=6666ff]”You know how to write, yes, dear? Put your thoughts on that, and we'll understand well enough~.”[/color][/b] Ethan then went around behind the bar, preparing drinks. [color=6666ff][b]”Any preference, ladies, or shall I make some cute cocktails?”[/b][/color] He looked them both over smoothly, before picking out some recipes off the top of his head that he felt suited them both the most. After a few minutes, an Elderflower Cosmopolitan, with gin and a brilliant red colour, and a twirl of orange, was placed in front of Ruby. For Georgia, a Firecracker Daiquiri, another brilliant red, with rum, syrup, and a spicy touch of cayenne pepper was placed in front of her. With both girls urged to take their seat at the bar, Ethan smiled wolfishly at them from the other side, tossing a cleaning cloth over his shoulder. [b][color=6666ff]”The Auction House, eh? That’s a good place to start. I have up-to-date passwords for you to get in. I even have some spare Auction outfits for you to take; they’re quite particular about ‘keeping the identity of their patrons a secret’. “There are a few living specimens that are meant to be sold…. Tonight, actually. So if you would do me the favour of saving them and burning the place down, capturing or killing the organizers, and mitigating damages to the spectators - we’re not [i]barbarians[/i] after all~.”[/color][/b] Ethan snickered a little, leaning on the bar a little as his stance relaxed. [b][color=6666ff]”So please, eat up, ask me whatever question you like. I would suggest heading out in about… five hours. At midnight.”[/color][/b] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PWPcnMc.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]The Gold Pavilion, 48th Floor, Gold Trim Catering[/color][/h3] [@Rekkuza], [@ManyThings], [@Silver Carrot] [hr] Auri watched carefully as the Doctor voiced his opinion. He was absolutely right; what business did she have asking a neutral party to take up the fight? The truth was, she was fascinated by his skill, and it was his very morals of tending to both villains and heroes that she wanted his help on this endeavours badly. However, before she could voice her own opinion, the great Sir Arcticus stepped in for her, encouraging the Doctor to take up their banner. Wireframe too, gave in her two cents,which seemed to calm the Doctor down a bit, and he conceded to setting up an emergency medical zone for when their operation would start. Auri gave a generous smile to him. [b][color=goldenrod]”Thank you, Doctor. I agree; all injured in this next confrontation will receive your aid, not just the heroes. I am 100% for that.”[/color][/b] Before her gaze turned to Sir Arcticus, [b][color=goldenrod]”Please, my good knight, ‘Auri’ is fine. And I appreciate your resolve. The road ahead won't be easy, but together, I think we can achieve great things.”[/color][/b] Then her gaze turned to Wireframe, a knowing smile in her face. [b][color=goldenrod]”Indeed… the Auction House. The biggest one under the Dragon’s thumb, deals will all manners of black market goods… Dreams die there. So, if we can wipe out the blight, we may be well on our way to curing this city.”[/color][/b] As she spoke, she slowly filled up three plates with a bit of turkey, potatoes, and vegetables. She passed plates out to her gathered heroes, encouraging them to get comfortable at the table. And then she poured sparkling juice, the corked good stuff, into champagne glasses for each of them. [b][color=goldenrod]”There is an event happening there tonight, in the wee hours. I've… [i]liberated[/i] some of their uniforms so you'll look the part of an attendee. And, if my intel serves right, there will be a few choice villains attending there as well, though I am unsure what their goal could be… “Our goal, at least, should be securing the living kidnappees to be sold, and arresting the people who run it. And, of course, arresting any villains who show up.”[/color][/b]