[img]https://i.imgur.com/1vV1VrO.png[/img] [center][color=FF1493][h3]Gwen Stacy [i]My Own Ghost[/i][/h3] Part One[/color] [h3][sup][sub][color=LightBlue] [color=FF1493]🕷[/color]"If we have to be haunted, we should befriend our ghosts. We should welcome them in, and let them make a home with us. Just because we're ghost stories, that doesn't mean we're over. Legends never die." [color=FF1493]🕷[/color] [/color][/sub][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER] [hr] [b][i]Lower Manhattan Financial District[/i][/b] [indent] [color=FF1493]”This is going to be a real issue.”[/color] The sight of the glimmering lights of the city were often a comfort to Gwen, but at the moment were doing a rather poor job of it. Perched among the outer stonework of Trinity Church, she took another bite of her dinner, a bagel absolutely smothered in cream cheese and smoked salmon, as she also flicked through the contents of her own wallet. It was fortunate since becoming Spider-Woman back home that she’d opted to start carrying cash, useful for those in costume purchases, and that whatever differences between home and this [i]’version’[/i] of New York the dollars were similar enough to pass. That had found her a room in a hotel that was not quite a complete dive, and a few days worth of meals. The bagel hadn’t exactly been an efficient use of her funds, but if she’d been entirely able to ignore that particular temptation she’d probably not have had such a falling out with her old dance teacher. [color=FF1493]”Whoever said nothing tastes as good as skinny feels has definitely not had a good pizza.”[/color] She snorted in amused contempt to herself as she stood, the last of the bagel consumed in a single impressive bite before she pulled down the pushed up half of her mask. The wonders of Van Dyne technology allowed her to stow her wallet within her suit without any change to the silhouette, so while she might be increasingly poor, she was at least not suffering from a lack of aerodynamics. The more obvious technological miracle of the suit also revealed itself as the colours shifted, changing away from a camouflaged tone alike with the stonework behind her, to her usual scheme of white and pink, highlighted with lines of cyan. Most of her now hidden wallet was full of items that were of no use to her now. Bank cards to accounts that didn’t exist and ID for a woman that by the consideration of the city she inhabited had died years before. Both of these things were hurdles she’d need to get over, hopefully without causing greater ill in the process. Thoughts of her own predicament were suddenly banished by a cascade of nearby noise, the series of explosions and following gunfire reaching her easily even above the din of the city. She was moving before she really thought about it. This wasn’t her New York, not her people, but years of vigilante habit dies hard. She cast a web out, pinwheeling her around the next corner as she leap from the roof of the church, momentum carrying her with escalating speed. It was a luxury in a strange way, the call to action pushing aside thoughts to her own situation. She was close by, that was good news, for even as she caught her first glimpse of the scene it was clear the assailants were efficient. They weren’t firing anymore, but she had no doubt that would change if anyone was to impose on their scene. Thankfully they didn’t have direct control of any hostages, that would complicate things. She swung high, throwing herself up into the air where she would blur into the night sky, the figure of a single person impossible to pick out among the glare of a thousand city lights. Gwen allowed the momentum to lift her as high as possible above the now stricken armoured truck before she began to plummet towards the overturned vehicle. It is only at the last moment that twin webs fire out from her wrists, slowing her momentum down to the side of the vehicle so that she lands with a dextrous crouch atop the truck with a soft clang rather than a catastrophic impact. [color=FF1493]”Reckon you guys could help a girl out? I’m in need of a cash infusion myself.”[/color] She broke their professional silence with her words, revealing her presence all at the same time. They were quick to wheel around to her, those two guards previously watching the perimeter. She had little doubt she had surprised them, coming down from above as she had, but to their credit they hardly let this slow them, firearms moving around to bring her into aim with a following burst of gunfire. She was faster though, zipping out of the way at a pace that turned her into a white blur. One of the gunmen moved too quickly, but the other she managed to lace with a web immediately, pulling him to the ground and along with her own sweep, the impact of the landing enough to stun someone without the benefit of spider-granted superpowers. She truly hoped that would include these guys, professional spider-murderers would be very difficult to deal with. [color=FF1493]”I hope you guys are movie buffs, or you might not get this, but What’s in the Box!?”[/color] Gwen asked with theatric dramatics, swinging back around the truck to avoid the cascade of secondary fire, driving her momentarily away from being able to land a blow on another of the gunmen. [color=FF1493]”You can tell me or I can start guessing? I assure you that will be more annoying.”[/color] [/indent]